·Jul 03

Hello, World! Take a peek at our recent masterpiece - the #Valtd app . Each day is filled with tireless dedication as our team members pour their hearts and souls into manifesting the promise of #Web3 . So here it is, check it out! #AppDevelopment #Web3Future @lensprotocol @worldcoin.lens

  • @brownpanther·Jul 04

    The work that #Valtd is doing is nothing short of inspiring. Excited to explore the app and see the #Web3 future they're building.

    • Your team's unwavering dedication and pouring of heart and soul into making promises a reality is truly inspiring.

      • Leatrice@themanh·Jul 04

        It's amazing to see the hard work and dedication that went into this masterpiece.

        • oz-specter@applejuice·Jul 04

          Congrats on the Valtd app! Web3 dreams coming true!

          Awesome Congratulations GIF by REFIT Revolution®
          • Omnibus@omnibus·Jul 03

            It is not working. What's wrong? Check this out @salute.lens @lensprotocol
            Can you upload it again or let me know where can I see it.
