Dear @stani.lens , I have been using Lens, Phaver, and Orb for over a year, even during their beta stages. I also want to express that I am a Lenster and a Lenstube donor. Unfortunately, the missions loaded onto these platforms, such as socializing and finding common ground with others, have become impossible for me in recent times. The platforms I entered for fun and enjoyment have been handed over to the freedom-hating Momoka and an artificial intelligence that determines whether people are bots or not.
I cannot currently comment on Lens, Phaver, Orb, or Buttrfly. I cannot share posts on Orb or Buttrfly. It's ironic that the Momoka system, which sees me as a bot, treats me like a human when it comes to deducting fees. If I didn't care about this ecosystem, I would delete all the platforms and leave. However, I wanted to make one last plea because I care about you and the members of this ecosystem. This is my final message. The person who has deprived me of this family is you and your system. I kindly request you to consider me as a human, someone who uses your ecosystem. If the same issue continues, I will sadly bid farewell. Thank you.