vevivo@vevivo·Oct 30

Dear @stani.lens , I have been using Lens, Phaver, and Orb for over a year, even during their beta stages. I also want to express that I am a Lenster and a Lenstube donor. Unfortunately, the missions loaded onto these platforms, such as socializing and finding common ground with others, have become impossible for me in recent times. The platforms I entered for fun and enjoyment have been handed over to the freedom-hating Momoka and an artificial intelligence that determines whether people are bots or not.

I cannot currently comment on Lens, Phaver, Orb, or Buttrfly. I cannot share posts on Orb or Buttrfly. It's ironic that the Momoka system, which sees me as a bot, treats me like a human when it comes to deducting fees. If I didn't care about this ecosystem, I would delete all the platforms and leave. However, I wanted to make one last plea because I care about you and the members of this ecosystem. This is my final message. The person who has deprived me of this family is you and your system. I kindly request you to consider me as a human, someone who uses your ecosystem. If the same issue continues, I will sadly bid farewell. Thank you.

Post by @vevivo.lens
  • Apocalypse@geormetry·Oct 31

    A lot of people have this problem, the current vetting mechanism behind lens is faulty, this will only keep more people away from all the projects in the whole ecosystem, instead of spending time on this bad vetting, we should find a way to get more users into the ecosystem and keep them!

    • Same problem with my handle as well...

      • dude why dont you just say hey i’m being treated as bot need help

        are we importing drama from twitter now?

        • Vinod@dmcsvn·Oct 30

          Can you check this out??not sure whether you already tried this

          • Carla Monni@cmn__·Oct 30

            Vevivo! Are you having these problems also on phaver? I will ask the team to help you 🌊🧜‍♀️

            • vevivo@vevivo·Oct 30

              Oh my god, the system didn't even share the photo I sent.😒
