One thing I’d love to see on Lens is a Quote Post. I think it’d add so much value to be able to give context to a Mirror Post.

Is this a limitation of the protocol or a feature that could be built at the app level @stani.lens @nader.lens @nilesh.lens @0xmoe.lens?

  • DMac@d-mac·Dec 26

    I read a long article with the guy who invented that feature on Twitter. He say he regrets it because it lead to people “dunking” on one another and an environment of “free combat” on the platform. Something to think about 🤔

    • Naomi@naomi·Dec 26

      Maybe for now it would be possible to bypass it with attributes ? Would require all apps building on Lens to have the same standard for a custom feature though, so not the best solution 🤔

      • 70111.lens@70111·Dec 26


        • ladidai@ladidaix·Dec 26

          couldn’t agree more! can’t wait to see it happen

          • It's good.

            • Josh@wagmi·Dec 25

              The problem is we don’t have a contentURI parameter on the m mirror method on the contract, so we can’t for now support it natively in the protocol (until we change this part) we are looking at doing this though as it would be a very good feature!

              • GRAMS@grams·Dec 25
                This Is True Seth Meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
                • Nilesh@nilesh·Dec 25

                  will add soon!

                  • MOΞ@0xmoe·Dec 22

                    I'm planning on adding Quote Posts to @buttrfly.lens soon 👀

                    • post the link to the post in the mean time inside of your post w/ commentary

                      • Nader Dabit@nader·Dec 22

                        This is something that I too think would be great, I don't know the details of how it would be supported but it would definitely be possible with some updates.
