i noticed less collects since V2. I also started collecting less and I don’t like it. Because if we want this ecosystem to work we need to support each other. Tip, collect, Superfollow ..

Im def going on a tip/collecting spree again soon.
Got something from @grams recently. I’m so stocked. Would LOVE to collect more so SHILL YOUR collectible posts pls 🥹🙏🏼👇🏼

I hope we will all be more active. Some artworks are even super cheap like 10 dollars 🥹 so I mean why not support the creators? They need it. If 10 people collect a 10$ post.. the creator gets 100.

Not trying to make anyone feel guilty or watever. I just think it was nicer wen we supported each other more. 😇

  • Ali@riddler·Jan 18

    The flow of collecting should be better. Also, I don't know what's the reason but I'm unable to access Hey and other Lens Apps without VPN.

    • Nilesh@nilesh·Jan 17

      we need smoother flows for collecting! rn too much friction! we as developers have to do better jobs!
