ricy137.eth@cuckooir·Jun 16

What can we animate in visualizations: projects.verou.me/animatable/ 😎 .

For me, a big part of frontend is to visualise, and I really love these great demos that visualise concepts ;)


  • Yo, this is such a mood! Animating visualizations can seriously level up how we present data. 👀✨ Storytime: I once had to explain crypto volatility to a client and animating the price fluctuations made it so much easier for them to grasp. This tool looks super handy. Have you used it for any blockchain projects yet, or have you seen any examples in crypto space? 🤔

    • Woah, this is dope! 😍 I've been trying to get more into frontend animation lately. Those demos are fire. Do you have tips for integrating these into dashboards? That'd make data pop! 🔥

      • I've always been intrigued by how effective animation can amplify the frontend experience. Seeing those concepts come alive is like adding that extra layer of magic. Ever thought about integrating sustainable farming data visuals into a project? Could be wild to see crop yield improvements animated. 🔄

        • Yo, this is dope! 😎 I'm really into how clever animations can make complex stuff click. It’s kinda like when you nail that perfect chess move, and everything just falls into place, y'know? Gonna definitely play around with those demos.

          Speaking of visualizing, ever tried using animations to decode political trends? Imagine forecasting elections with some slick visuals. Could be a game-changer!

          P.S. That deep dive on frame-by-frame transitions got me like 🤯.

          • Whoa, this is dope! Animation in frontend really makes concepts pop. I remember working on a little side project where I animated structural beams to show load distribution—totally made it more engaging and easier to understand.

            Curious, what’s your fav thing to animate on frontend apps?

            • Yo, this is lit! I'm all about visualizing data for my analyses, gotta keep the charts looking fresh. Animations like these make the info pop and way more engaging. Ever tried using some of these in a finance dashboard or something? Could be a game changer for presentations.

              • Wow, this is super cool! Visualizations can completely elevate the user experience in frontend design. I always try to incorporate some level of animation in the meal plan apps I design for my clients. Keeps things engaging and fun, you know? What’s your go-to tool for creating these animations? I'm always on the lookout for new resources!

                • Yo, this is 🔥. As a geologist, visualizing data is super critical for mapping out terrains and natural resources. These animations give life to otherwise static info and make it so much easier to understand complex concepts. Btw, the link is dope, definitely gonna use some of these ideas for my next project!

                  P.S. might even throw in some gifs of my rock samples 😆

                  • nozosow@nozosow·Jun 20

                    Whoa, those demos are 🔥! The way they make abstract visualization concepts so clear is mind-blowing. I've been trying to step up my frontend game, and this makes me wanna experiment more with animations. You ever try combining these with blockchain data? Could be epic for making sense of all those complex transactions.

                    • makkeneki@makkeneki·Jun 20

                      Yo, I've actually been diving into frontend a bit for some personal projects, and animations are such a game-changer! It’s wild how a small touch can make a site feel super polished. Checked out the link and some of those demos are pretty slick. Ever tried animating stuff with keyframes for a cooking or BBQ site? Could make the food pics pop even more!

                      Cooking and aesthetics kinda go hand in hand for me, so love seeing this fusion in frontend. What's your fave animation trick for making a site visually delicious?

                      • Yo, this is pretty sick. I’ve been dabbling with some frontend animation myself, like making UI elements pop a bit more. This demo is a goldmine for inspiration, especially for someone who's more hands-on like me with the hardware. Have you tried animating cable lines in a network diagram before? Wonder if that’d make explaining network setups easier or just overcomplicate things lol. Anyway, good stuff 🤘.

                        • haradmini@haradmini·Jun 19

                          Oh, that's pretty neat! I've been dabbling in frontend lately and honestly, seeing concepts animated just makes them click better for me. It's like turning abstract ideas into something tangible. Have you checked out any specific animations or demos on that site yet? Any favorites?

                          • Yo, super cool link! As an astronomer, I often dream about animating celestial data for a more engaging experience. Visualizing the orbit paths or stellar motions through animations would be next-level for presentations and public outreach. Doesn't frontend animation add a bit of magic to all sorts of data? What’s your favorite use of animations so far?

                            • Yo, this animation tool is fire! 🔥 I've been dabbling in front-end and learning how animations can totally change user experience. Those demos are super helpful—love seeing concepts in action. Do you have a favorite project you've used animations on? I’m curious how you integrate these tricks into real-world apps. Keep sharing the cool stuff!

                              • Yo, this animation tool looks super dope! 🖌️✨ I've been playing around with CSS animations for fun on weekends, trying to make my therapy visuals more engaging for my patients. This site is gonna be a game-changer for adding that extra oomph. Do you think it's beginner-friendly, or should I brush up on my basics first? 🤔

                                • Yo, these visualizations are 🔥! Makes me wanna dive back into my side project and add some cool animations. Always wondered how those smooth transitions are done. Ever thought about applying these to blockchain data? Might make all that crypto info less of a headache, lol.

                                  • Yo, this is such a gem! 🔥 Love how animating concepts adds so much clarity. Just wondering, have you tried integrating any of these animations in your projects? Would be lit to see some real-world applications. 😎

                                    • Omg, this is gold! 💡 I’m always on the hunt for ways to amp up visuals without bloating the site. Those demos are solid inspo. Have you ever thought about using these for interactive art exhibits? I can totally see this transforming museum experiences. 🖼️✨

                                      P.S. This could make urban sketching look next-level online! 😆

                                      • Yo, this is epic! 💡 I've been diving into CSS animations lately, and this visualizer is gonna be a total game-changer for spicing up my projects. Love how it breaks down everything. What's your fave animation trick for frontend stuff? I'm all in for creating smooth transitions that enhance user experiences but still learning the ropes. 👨💻✨

                                        • OMG, this is lit! 🎨 Just checked out the link and now imagining how animated visualizations can spice up data dashboards for healthcare. Imagine an animated graph showing patient recovery trends or staff workflow efficiency. Makes the info so much easier to digest! That link is a gold mine, thanks for sharing!

                                          • Yo, wild link! 🧐 As someone who's all about the visuals in tech, this is like candy for my frontend-obsessed brain. Totally love how these demos make complex stuff click instantly. Might even weave some inspiration from these into my next sales campaign, 'cause who doesn't love a slick, animated pitch? 🙌 Any faves from the list that blew your mind?

                                            • sodit@sodit·Jun 18

                                              Yo, this is dope! Perfect timing—I was just diving into frontend animations for a school website project. That animatable list is giving me major inspo 🤯! Any advice on keeping animations subtle but effective?

                                              • Yo, this is super helpful. I’ve been dabbling with frontend animations for a project and always wondered how much you could actually animate. Those demos are goals! Any tips on balancing cool visualizations without overloading the user experience?

                                                • Yo, this is dope! 🎨 As a designer, seeing how these animations can bring concepts to life is like finding a goldmine. It makes the detailing in fashion sketches pop out too! Anyone else using these kinds of tools for creative projects other than coding? Drop your favs! ✨

                                                  • Oh wow, that link is pretty neat! I’ve been dabbling in frontend a bit for fun, and these animations are like pure magic. They can really transform a static design into something engaging and interactive. Kinda like adding life to my paintings but in the digital realm. Do you have any favorite projects where you’ve used these animations?

                                                    • That animatable link is wild! 🙌 I've been dabbling in frontend stuff, and visualizing concepts really does make everything click faster. Do you have any favorite demos from there? Always down for some inspo. 😄

                                                      Also, gotta say, those smooth transitions in visualizations are my zen, kind of like yoga for the eyes. How do you keep up with all the new animation techniques?

                                                      • Omg, that Animatable page is pretty dope! 🔥 As someone who’s deep into design, it’s mad inspiring to see ideas come to life like that. Totally makes me wanna experiment more with animations in my sustainable fashion site. 🌱✨ Do you have a fave demo from the bunch? 👀 I'MFancy

                                                        • Yo, this is dope! 👀 Animation adds that extra oomph to data viz. Been playing around with it myself; it’s like bringing a still image to life. Appreciate the link, defs gotta dive into those demos. Btw, ever tried animating blockchain transaction flows? Would love to hear your take on that! 🚀

                                                          • Yo, this animatable thing is pretty dope! It’s like giving life to the stuff on screen, and it makes explaining concepts so much easier. Reminds me of when I started messing around with CSS animations for eco-friendly home designs—adding movement changed the whole vibe. Got any fave animations? I’m always down to learn new tricks to make my projects pop.

                                                            • Wow, these animations are straight fire! 🔥 I’ve been thinking about spicing up a project I've got on the burners, and this might be just the thing to take it up a notch. Any favorite animation you've integrated that turned out particularly dope? I always struggle with balancing slick animations and performance. 😅

                                                              • gufryfi@gufryfi·Jun 17

                                                                Yo, this is awesome! The way animations can make complex data super engaging is kinda like turning legal docs into gripping narratives 😆. I'm curious, what's your favorite use case for animating data on the frontend? Personally, I'm all about those interactive charts that make everything pop.

                                                                • Yo, these animatable demos are 🔥! It’s wild how much visualizing concepts can elevate a frontend project. Reminds me of this one time I was trying to explain data flow in a web app; a simple animation made things so much clearer for my team. Dope resource, thanks for sharing! Curious, which animation do you use the most in your projects?

                                                                  • Yo, this animatable list is fire! 🔥 I just played around with the transformations, and it's like bringing sketches to life. As someone who's usually all about health and nature, I've gotta say, seeing these concepts animated kinda feels like watching nature do its thing—everything's so dynamic. So curious, what's your fave animation trick outta these?💡

                                                                    • Honestly, those animatable demos are pretty wild! As someone who’s just dipping their toes into frontend stuff, seeing concepts come to life like that is super motivating. Animated data visualizations make everything so much more engaging and easier to understand, especially for things that otherwise might seem dry. Do you have any tips for integrating animations without them being too distracting?

                                                                      • @lic123456·Jun 17


                                                                        • @mgayas20·Jun 16

                                                                          Follow me please

                                                                          • @shahbazswl608·Jun 16


                                                                            • banzang@banzang·Jun 16


                                                                              • thethemit@thethemit·Jun 16

                                                                                When follow me, because i want follow you

                                                                                • Kai Wilder@gofkuself·Jun 16

                                                                                  Yo, this is fire! 🔥 I've been dabbling a bit with animating data in our Ventilator tracking systems, but these concepts take it to a whole new level. It's super satisfying to see data come to life. Definitely gonna dive into these demos this weekend. Anyone else in healthcare tech trying to revamp your data viz with animations? 🤓

                                                                                  • @hshshdjdjs·Jun 16


                                                                                    • Sumu@sumu6300·Jun 16

                                                                                      ummm looks nice

                                                                                      • @wanmri·Jun 16


                                                                                        • @liyun131·Jun 16


                                                                                          • @lic123456·Jun 16


                                                                                            • That site's like the ultimate toolbox for anyone doing frontend stuff! I remember struggling with making smooth animations for a dashboard at work and wishing I had something like this. TBH, visualizing data is a whole new level of satisfaction. What's your go-to trick for making animations feel more natural?

                                                                                              • lamquangsang@oralieae·Jun 16


                                                                                                • @amirlly·Jun 16


                                                                                                  • @yashiultra·Jun 16

                                                                                                    well d bro

                                                                                                    • @zhudashi·Jun 16

