ricy137.eth@cuckooir·Apr 12

Had a dinner with an engineer friend. He told me he wants to pivot to frontend, so I was joking about how many details I need to tackle to make a good ux, how I got frustrated everytime NextJs updates and how many blogs I need to read daily.

  • L◱ ◱@l1314·Apr 12


    • Destructo@destructo·Apr 12

      React server components were a nightmare at first. Later finally it started to make sense.

      • ImETH@imeth·Apr 12


        • ricy137.eth@cuckooir·Apr 12

          Then all of a sudden, I realized how passionate I was for frontend. I once spent a whole week's free time just to migrate a vite project to turbopack for the 10x better performance, I failed in the end, but I searched almost every corner of internet for the compatibility issues.
