xuxiangeng@sdyfg·Mar 18

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.

  • @666666666777777·Mar 18

    Following this mindset can help individuals maintain motivation and stay committed to their work, resulting in a more satisfying and successful career

    • The quote may also suggest that great work requires more than just a paycheck but rather a sense of purpose and fulfillment in one's profession.

      • Maxim Hopov@mourinho·Mar 18

        Don't settle" encourages individuals to resist the temptation to compromise their values or aspirations in pursuit of short-term success

        • The phrase "keep looking" communicates the importance of patience and persistence in finding one's true calling, as it may take time and exploration to discover a fulfilling career path.

          • goodman@keislo1212·Mar 18

            This quote emphasizes the significance of passion in achieving great work, as individuals who truly love what they do are more likely to excel in their chosen field.
