Carla Monni@cmn__Β·Sep 23


Feeling rich today 🌊 SHARE YOUR MERMAID KNOWLEDGE HERE and tag me in your mermaid and sea pictures! IN 7 days from now I will pick up a Winner of the MERMAID Awards that will win 10 MATIC=) LIKE, FOLLOW, MIRROR AND COLLECT! Bubbly bye amazing creatures πŸŒŠπŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸŒŠ

  • Andy@itsmeandyyyΒ·Sep 26

    Some children are born with Mermaid Syndrome. Did you know that?

    Happy Fun GIF by DINOSALLY
    • volkan taş@volkan1627Β·Sep 26

      I know , I know Carla @cmn__.lens 😊 you are rich πŸ€‘ 'Cause she sends me a monthly check hahahaπŸ˜„πŸ˜

      • Hamed-Haji@mamadkΒ·Sep 25

        Great! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜

        • Ava@lensladyΒ·Sep 25

          If exposed to the sun for too long, a mermaid can dry out and burn.

          Best Friends Love GIF by Stefanie Shank
          • gyh123@lfgggg3Β·Sep 24


            • Bensu Kaya@bensuΒ·Sep 24

              One thing I know about mermaids: they are beautiful, fascinating and dangerous at the same time. And some of them can turn into humans.

              mermaid GIF
              • LensMagic@magesticΒ·Sep 24


                • wemet β—± β—±@yesidoΒ·Sep 24


                  • LensMagic@magesticΒ·Sep 24

                    Mermaid is a woman who has the tail of a fish instead of legs and who lives in the sea. 🌚🐸


                    • yyaixyβ—± β—±@yyaixyΒ·Sep 24


                      • Md Showrab@saiful04420060Β·Sep 24

                        Wow really? I am excited!

                        • DanIsNearby@danisnearbyΒ·Sep 24

                          In the dimly lit corner of a rustic seaside tavern, the old sailor known as Captain Elias leaned forward, his weathered face etched with countless stories etched like the lines on a nautical chart. The room was filled with eager listeners, captivated by the mystique of the sea and the tales it held.

                          "Ah, me hearties," Elias began in a gravelly voice that seemed to have weathered the very storms he spoke of. "Ye asked about mermaids, did ye? Aye, they be creatures of the sea, alluring and dangerous in equal measure."

                          He took a long sip from his tankard, the firelight dancing in his eyes like distant lightning on a rolling sea. "Mermaids, they be enchantresses, ye see. They sing a song so sweet that even the most hardened sailor can be lured to his doom. It's a melody that speaks to a man's very soul, a siren's call that beckons him to the depths."

                          The room fell silent as Elias continued, his voice growing darker with each word. "Once a sailor falls under their spell, he's lost. He'll swim toward them, eyes glazed with desire, not caring that the depths hide more horrors than treasures. And when he reaches them, that's when the true danger begins."

                          Elias paused, his gaze far away, lost in memories of the sea's treacherous embrace. "Mermaids, they be no gentle maidens of the waves. They've got teeth as sharp as harpoons and claws that could shred a ship's hull. They'll drag a man down, their laughter as deadly as the cold, crushing pressure of the ocean's depths."

                          A shiver rippled through the listeners as they imagined the perilous fate of those who succumbed to the mermaids' charms. Elias leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And if by some miracle a sailor escapes their clutches, he'll be forever haunted by their haunting songs, a madness that'll drive him to madness or worse."

                          He leaned back, a wistful look in his eye. "But mind ye, lads and lasses, not all mermaids be wicked. Some say there be kind-hearted ones who'll aid a sailor in dire straits. But tellin' them apart from the treacherous ones, that be a game of chance no wise sailor's willin' to play."

                          As the tale concluded, the room remained hushed, the patrons pondering the perils that lurked beneath the waves. Captain Elias had shared a glimpse of the dark and alluring world of mermaids, a world where beauty concealed deadly danger, and where the sea held secrets that could drive a sailor to madness.

                          So, as the night wore on, the listeners left the tavern with caution in their hearts, mindful of the haunting melodies that might one day beckon them to the depths, where the alluring and dangerous mermaids lurked beneath the waves, waiting to ensnare the unwary.

                          ~ Generated By AI

                          Comment by @danisnearby.lens
                          • 544@ytf04Β·Sep 24


                            • Lloyd@lloydΒ·Sep 24

                              Mermaids are real, I have a very clear video of one where she’s washed up on shore, she’s even still breathing. It’s kinda hard to watch honestly.

                              • aryan@0xaryanΒ·Sep 23

                                Legends say humans evolved from mermaids

                                • UluΓ§ Muslu@ulucmusluΒ·Sep 23

                                  MANmaids are real.

                                  Channing Tatum Splash GIF by Studios 2016
                                  • Eremita@cavernaeremitaΒ·Sep 23

                                    Two interesting facts before we talk a bit about the Amazonian "river mermaid": For those who are not from the region, which is the case for me, the rivers are astonishingly wide, to the point where you can't see the opposite bank (the Amazon River reaches up to 50km in width during the rainy season). Another curious legend from the Amazon is that of the Boto (a type of freshwater dolphin), which is said to be a 'Merman' that transforms into a man and goes to parties, impregnating women... but that's not the topic of this contest πŸ˜†

                                    The Legend of Iara, also known as the Legend of the Mother of Waters, is a part of Brazilian folklore. It is a folk legend of indigenous origin, originating from the Amazon region.

                                    Despite its origins in this region, the Legend of Iara is known throughout Brazil.

                                    Iara or Yara, from the indigenous Iuara, means 'she who lives in the waters.' She is a mermaid (half woman, half fish) who lives in the Amazon waters. Often, the figure of Iara is confused with the African deity YemanjΓ‘, the queen of the sea.

                                    With long black hair and brown eyes, the mermaid Iara emits a melody that attracts men, who become entranced and hypnotized by her singing and sweet voice.

                                    Depending on the Brazilian region, the representation of the maiden may differ, for example, in the color of her eyes and her hair, which can be either dark or light.

                                    Legend has it that Iara was a brave warrior with enviable beauty. Because of this, her brothers became jealous of her and decided to kill her.

                                    However, during the battle, due to her warrior skills, Iara managed to turn the tables and ended up killing her brothers.

                                    Faced with this, fearing her father's punishment, the tribe's shaman, Iara decided to flee, but her father managed to find her. As punishment for the death of her brothers, he decided to throw her into the river.

                                    The fish in the river decided to save the beautiful young woman by transforming her into the mermaid Iara. Since then, Iara has inhabited the Amazon rivers, seducing men and then taking them to the depths of the river, where they drown.

                                    It is believed that if a man manages to escape Iara's charms, he goes mad, in a state of stupor, and only a shaman can cure him.

                                    Comment by @cavernaeremita.lens
                                    • Sidetalker@sidetalkerΒ·Sep 23

                                      Mermaids are revered as guardians of the oceans, keeping a careful balance between marine life and the delicate ecosystems they inhabit. They possess the gift of eternal youth, remaining ageless throughout their lives. Mermaids also live in close-knit communities, fostering a sense of unity and support among their kind. They share knowledge, traditions, and celebrations, cherishing the bonds that unite them as they explore the depths of the sea.

                                      • Princess Je$$yFries@jessyjeanneΒ·Sep 23

                                        The only mermaid I know is Ariel lmao - I watched the Disney movie like 100 times and know the songs by πŸ’–. Did u know that in the little mermaid 2 she’s married with Eric and they have a girl named Melody lols ! I love this movie also

                                        • butterfly_design@animatorsΒ·Sep 23

                                          πŸŒ·πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ β„π•–π•£π•–Β π•šπ•€Β π•€π• π•žπ•–Β π•šπ•Ÿπ•”π•£π•–π••π•šπ•“π•π•–Β π•šπ•Ÿπ•—π• π•£π•žπ•’π•₯π•šπ• π•ŸΒ π•’π•“π• π•¦π•₯Β π•žπ•–π•£π•žπ•’π•šπ••π•€ πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ· β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ

                                          Mermaids and their association with early nautical charts. During the Middle Ages, some nautical charts deliberately depicted mermaids on the edges of uncharted seas to warn sailors of potential dangers. These mermaid illustrations served both decorative and informational purposes, 🀭

                                          β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Additional informationπŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ

                                          And did you know that mermaids symbolize the duality of beauty and danger, temptation and destruction? Their legend is a reminder that sometimes, what appears to be, we must remain vigilant against the illusions that populate our lives.

                                          (The mermaid image was created by myself with AI πŸ€–)

                                          πŸŒ·πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ β„π•–π•£π•–Β π•šπ•€Β π•€π• π•žπ•–Β π•šπ•Ÿπ•”π•£π•–π••π•šπ•“π•π•–Β π•šπ•Ÿπ•—π• π•£π•žπ•’π•₯π•šπ• π•ŸΒ π•’π•“π• π•¦π•₯Β π•žπ•–π•£π•žπ•’π•šπ••π•€ πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ·
                                          • Brown@mrbrownΒ·Sep 23

                                            Also, Christopher Columbus claimed he saw mermaids. But they were just manatees πŸ˜…

                                            • Brown@mrbrownΒ·Sep 23

                                              Legends say humans evolved from mermaids

                                              • Melike@melikebarutΒ·Sep 23

                                                In some myths, mermaids symbolize life and fertility because they are young and beautiful. In other myths, however, they are seen as symbols of death and disaster, due to their frightening and dangerous nature (especially the mermaids of Ancient Greece, the "Sirens" - they look like mermaids but have two tails). Dangerous or not, real or not, who knows. But they are fascinating creatures for sure! πŸ§œπŸ’•πŸŒŠ

                                                • 66568@66568Β·Sep 23


                                                  • Web3Hulk@web3hulkΒ·Sep 23

                                                    I already shared with you in previous post Sun 🌞 mermaid πŸ’

                                                    • lawrence@alicebandΒ·Sep 23


                                                      • longgelaileo@longgelaileoΒ·Sep 23


                                                        • CloneX8315@clonex8315Β·Sep 23

                                                          Great idea πŸ’‘

                                                          Check out this post by @clonex8315.lens on @orbapp.lens


                                                          • butterfly_design@animatorsΒ·Sep 23


                                                            • @0xhimΒ·Sep 23

                                                              Learned so many new things from commentsπŸ˜…

                                                              • Irem Er@iremerΒ·Sep 23

                                                                Hey, so, mermaids are these mythical beings that are like a mix of humans and fish. People all around the world have these stories and legends about them. They're usually portrayed as super gorgeous and singing these enchanting songs, sometimes luring sailors. But, here's the thing, some folks think they're friendly, while others say they can be tricky or even dangerous. And you know what? Despite all the stories and even some claimed sightings, there's no scientific evidence to say they actually exist. So, they're basically this fascinating part of human imagination and storytelling πŸ’ž

                                                                • Dennise@denniseΒ·Sep 23

                                                                  Hey Carla!! Here is info about mermaids 🧜

                                                                  Limited Shapeshifting - Mermaids can transform into humans so they can walk and breathe over land. Mermaids can remain human for many days, weeks, months or even years. If a mermaid gets wet while in human form, her legs will turn into tails.

                                                                  Telepathy - Mermaids can communicate telepathically with aquatic creatures. This is also how they communicate with each other underwater.

                                                                  Siren Song - Mermaids can emit a beautiful song that affects men and subconsciously compels them to either follow the predetermined orders given by the user in the song or try to reach the source of the song regardless of the song's dangerous obstacles. Their voices have a soothing side. When someone is listening to the mermaid's song, they forget their pain, sadness and anger until their song stops.

                                                                  • Brown@mrbrownΒ·Sep 23

                                                                    I heard that different cultures have their own versions of mermaids, such as the Russian "Rusalka" and the Scottish "Selkie," which are similar but distinct beings. What do you think about it?

                                                                    • Vinod@dmcsvnΒ·Sep 23

                                                                      Hello Carla, All I know about mermaids are they are half human and half fish ,but it has always fascinated and triggered many imaginations when I was a child.I even wished that if they were real,I could have gone to the sea daily 😜Have heard many stories about mermaids since then! Now here is one for you ..This is a sculpture of mermaid that we have in our beach - her name is 'Jalakanyaka' ,it's actually a translation for mermaid in our language ❀️

                                                                      Hello Carla, All I know about mermaids are they are half human and half fish ,but it has always fasc
                                                                      • @africangangtvΒ·Sep 23

                                                                        πŸ‘πŸ‘ Rich monni
