Brad Nickel@bradn·Jun 09

So far I am loving what you have already built, but wanted to a few quick notes of feedback for the @lenster.lens team that you are likely already considering. I realize you are just getting started, but feel like it doesn't hurt to provide now:

  • Communities / Crowdfunds
    Would like a way to quickly get to Communities that I created.

A way to view/find crowdfund initiatives

Please add a search in communities or a filter to just search on communities in the normal search.

Will hashtags be a thing? #hashtag - If hashtags do work, then making available in the editor to see would be great.

  • UI/UX

Onboarding needs a guide to interactions.

  • Collect/Collections isn't obvious to the average user and they may hesitate to use without knowing. The help for what collect rules mean is only available after you click and users are always afraid of the unknown which will reduce the engagement you want in the tool. In addition, conceptually it isn't something that people will know what it means to collect if it isn't explained out of the gate.

  • Mirror isn't clear or obvious what it means/does.

More to come.

  • Brad Nickel@bradn·Jun 09

    @lenster.lens - Going to add more feedback notes here as I proceed with using.

    When I first setup my profile I added additional links and edited my profile, but those links and edits are not appearing in my profile.

    I did notice that hashtags are clickable, so for future usage, maybe have the hashtag text change color while in the editor.
