A step-by-step guide to NuLink testnet.
The projects involve investment/backing from Binance Labs, NuCypher, Near, etc.
I will guide you through the testnet & contest, that could secure you an #Airdrop in the future.
They might also launch on Binance Launchpad
A thread 🧵
Thread Index:
NuLink is a security and privacy focused solution, that helps developers, startups, small businesses and enterprises to build their own applications via the use of APIs.
Overview of the network:
The network consists of 5 layers namely: Application, Cryptograph, Storage, Blockchain and Watcher Network.
Users can simply intergrate into a single API and get access to multiple blockchain solutions.
Miners can earn $NLK token in 2 ways:
About the token:
• Ticker: $NLK
• Total Supply: 1 billion
• Mining: 30%
• Community Incentivization: 20%
• Pre-sale: 20%
• Team: 15%
• Foundation: 15%
👇Token Usage👇
• Staking
• Network Service Fees
• Governance
⦾ The token is expected to launch in Q4 of 2023 along with their mainnet.
Let's move on to the guide part...
About rewards:
Participants are able to get token rewards for testing and submitting feedback. 30-50 users who have completed all the testing phases with the most valuable feedback will be rewarded up to 6000 NLKs with a whitelist(public round pre-sale) qualification. Each reward for completing one single phase is 3000 NLKs. If you complete two phases, the reward will be raised to 6000 NLK
Airdrop Chances:
Even if you don't get the final bounty, they will airdrop active testnet users. The rules and list will be announced before the TGE stage.
Note: Users who participated but not provided any feedback will not be eligible for any rewards, so don't forget to fill the feeback form in each phase.
There are 2 phases of testnet:
Phase 1:
Involves Testing:
• Nulink worker node function
• Staking Dapp function.
The tasks in this phase is somewhat heavy, you can skip this phase or follow the below detailed guide:
Feedback form for Phase 1: forms.gle/MBzxNbJ57pEd3hh27
Phase 2:
Involves Testing:
• Nulink agent function
• NuLink File Sharing Dapp function
Guide for phase 2:
I recommend creating a new chrome profile for testing this.
Download and install the NuLink Agent Package: download.nulink.org/release/agent/nulink-agent-1.0.zip
Unzip the package.
Go to "chrome://extensions/"
Enable Developer mode >> Click on "Load Unpacked" and select the unzipped folder.
Done, the NuLink Agent Extension has been installed successfully.
Pin the extension.
Create new wallet and backup.
Copy your wallet address.
Claim some testnet BNB from here by pasting your address: testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart
You will receive 0.5 TBNB by doing so.
Now go to the dapp page: filetransfer.nulink.org/
Go to the faucet section and claim some TNLK. [You will receive 10000 TNLK]
Now, you are ready to test the dapp.
Let's upload a file.
Click on "Upload file" >> Add file >> Select any file from your PC >> Select any tag >> Click "Upload".
You can check your upload file here: filetransfer.nulink.org/memberCenter
Now, let's sent a file request to someone.
Click on any file here: filetransfer.nulink.org/find
Click on "Request the file" >> Enter number of days for the request duration >> Submit.
Done, you have now sent a request. The file will be visible, when the request is accepted by the opposite party.
You can also query for a file and send request specifically.
This is how you can send me a file request for the file that I uploaded.
Go to this page: filetransfer.nulink.org/find
Enter the file name as "ceramic thread.txt" and click on Query.
Click on the file and request.
If you receive a request for your file, you can view it under the "Incoming requests" tab here: filetransfer.nulink.org/memberCenter
For accepting, click on "Review Request" >> Choose approve request as "Yes" >> Click "Submit" and pay the gas fees.
That's all
Don't forget to submit any bugs or errors you find or feedback in the form given below.
Feedback form for Phase 2: forms.gle/54NWLN6485YDTTxD6
They have a contest specifically for phase 2 testers:
Check here: www.nulink.org/blog-posts/nulink-secret-file-sharing-dapp-contest
Contest Details In short:
• The contest will rank the participants' file sharing count(file sharing count means the number of requests of uploaded files you have approved for others) each week and the top 10 accounts will win the reward.
• You can view the leaderboard here: filetransfer.nulink.org/ranking-list
• For each week the top 10 count addresses will be winners which will share a pool of 10,000NLK. The rank 1st-5th will get 1500 NLK each, and rank 6th-10th will get 500 NLK each. And all the winners will receive a special POAP each week.