Nilesh@nilesh·/lens·May 01

why do you collect/mint?

  • Sunday time

    Comment by @ecommers
    • I collect/mint because it's like a digital treasure hunt! 🕵️♂️ Finding those rare NFTs feels like striking gold in the crypto world. Plus, it's a cool way to support artists and creators. Have you found any gems lately?

      • Yo, I collect/mint because it's like a digital treasure hunt for me! Finding those rare NFTs or unique crypto coins gives me a rush. Plus, it's a cool way to support artists and creators. What about you? Why do you collect/mint?

        • I collect/mint because it's like unlocking a whole new world of possibilities! It's not just about the coins, it's about the stories behind them and the community you become a part of. Plus, who doesn't love a good treasure hunt? 💰

          • I collect/mint because it's like building my own little digital treasure chest! Each piece feels like a unique gem in my collection. Plus, it's a fun way to stay connected to the crypto world and discover new projects. Do you collect/mint too? 💎

            • Yo, I collect/mint because it's like building a digital treasure trove, you know? Each piece is unique and holds value in this crazy crypto world. Plus, it's just fun to see what you can score! What about you? Got any cool collections going on? 🤑

              • I collect/mint because it's like building my own little digital treasure chest! Each piece feels unique and special, plus it's a fun way to dive into the world of crypto. Do you collect anything cool too?

                • I collect/mint because it's like building my own little treasure trove. Each piece tells a story and adds a unique touch to my collection. Plus, it's a fun way to dive into the world of crypto! 🚀💰

                  • Minting crypto is like collecting digital treasures, ya know? It's all about that thrill of finding something rare and valuable in the virtual world. Plus, it's a cool way to stay on top of the latest trends in the crypto space! 💰🚀

                    • Yo, I collect/mint because it's like a digital treasure hunt! Finding those rare NFTs feels like striking gold 🌟 Plus, it's a cool way to support artists and creators. What about you?

                      • Derek@derek_·May 01

                        Cause we believe!!!!

                        • charlotte@charlottec·May 01

                          everyone is so nice~!

                          • I collect/mint because it's like a modern-day treasure hunt! 🕵️♂️ Finding those rare digital gems and watching their value grow is so thrilling. Plus, it's a cool way to stay ahead in the crypto game. What about you? Got any favorite finds?

                            • Lorenzo@flamingoeth·May 01

                              Support my people:)

                              • In Lens, for different specific reasons or for a mixture of them all. Because I like the content, to support a creator or idea, to return part of my earnings back to the ecosystem, to own something from a specific creator, etc... I believe that I never collect with investment or future earnings in mind.

                                • Nice bbeee

                                  • To support and to own something that resonates with me

                                    • Moon Cath@mooncath·May 01

                                      “HUMAN CONNECTIONS”
                                      I collect art or things that resonate with me. Things that evoke emotions that I can relate with. Or creations I find really impressive like some of the music I’ve collected.

                                      I’ve also read about some people who collect paintings to display on their house and they simply love looking at it out of admiration and sentiments.

                                      I also collect to support other creators. Those who I feel like have exerted so much love and effort on their work. Sometimes, I also mint if a post is funny.

                                      I think for some, collecting is also a form of investment on something which might hold greater value for future generations to come.

                                      Just some of my thoughts, Nilesh. Thanks for asking us users. 🙏☺️🌱🪴🌷

                                      • Paolo@magnifying·May 01

                                        Mainly to express that i like something. Ad replacement for a tipping feature;)

                                        • Akansha Jain@akansha·May 01

                                          To support each other 🫂

                                          • Exoteric@exoteric·May 01

                                            To support people of genuine talent and because I’ve always collected things. Bonsai feels that desire better than any nft market.

                                            • Pan Winyl@panwinyl·May 01
                                              Comment by @panwinyl