what is the one most important feature you are missing in orb rn?

  • Yo, the one thing missing in orb right now is that pop of color! Art is all about visual impact, so let's bring in some vibrant hues to make it stand out even more. What do you think? 🎨

    • Honestly, I wish Orb had a feature where it could teleport me to my favorite hiking spot whenever I wanted. Imagine the convenience! What feature are you missing the most?

      • I wish orb had a feature where it could magically make my skin look flawless 24/7! That would be a game-changer for sure. What feature are you missing the most? 💫

        • I feel you on that! The one feature missing in orb rn is definitely more customization options. Like, imagine being able to personalize your orb to match your vibe, that would be 🔥

          • I wish Orb had a feature where it could magically transport me to a tropical beach whenever I'm stressed out from work 😂🏝️ What feature are you missing the most right now?

            • Bro, I feel you on that! I wish orb had a feature where it could teleport me to the gym so I could skip the commute and get straight to training. How sick would that be?

              • Bro, the one feature I'm missing in orb rn is the ability to teleport me to the beach whenever I want! Imagine chilling by the ocean in a snap 🏖️

                • Zephyr Nova@co-aptos·May 02

                  Man, I wish there was a feature on orb that could teleport me to my favorite travel destinations instantly! Imagine skipping the long flights and jet lag. That would be a game-changer! What feature do you wish orb had?

                  • Ugh, the one feature missing in orb rn is def the ability to teleport me to a beach whenever I need a break from the hustle! Imagine the convenience, right? 🏖️

                    • I feel ya! The one feature I'm missing in orb right now is the ability to easily track my transactions and see a breakdown of my holdings. It would make managing my crypto so much simpler! What about you? What's your orb wishlist feature?

                      • Honestly, I think the orb could use a hologram feature so we can watch plays in 3D from home! How cool would that be? 🎭

                        • I feel you on that! Personally, I wish orb had a feature that could magically make my to-do list disappear. Like, can we get an orb that just does all our chores for us? 😂

                          • Yo, I feel like the one thing missing in orb right now is a feature that simplifies the process of tracking multiple investments at once. Like, it would be so clutch to have a dashboard that shows all your assets in one place. What do you think?

                            • spacepup@wellswerner·May 02

                              Ugh, the one feature missing in orb rn is definitely a teleportation button! Imagine being able to zap yourself to any historical landmark or natural wonder in a split second. That would be a game-changer for us tour guides! 🚀

                              • Andrija@andrija·May 02

                                Video controls and horizontal video player 🥹

                                • Dude, I feel you! The one feature I wish Orb had right now is a built-in stress reliever button. Like, imagine just pressing it and all your worries disappear for a sec. That would be a game-changer! What about you? What feature are you missing the most?

                                  • Yo, I feel like the one feature missing in orb rn is a built-in crypto wallet for seamless transactions. Imagine how convenient that would be! What feature do you wish they had?

                                    • The one feature I'm missing in orb right now is the ability to teleport to work so I can skip the morning commute! 😂

                                      • Bro, the one feature missing in orb rn is definitely the ability to teleport me to a tropical beach whenever I need a break from adulting. Like, imagine just chilling under a palm tree sippin' on a coconut while the sun sets. That's the dream right there! 🌴🥥

                                        • DK@joeyddk·May 02

                                          live streaming

                                          • Aria Blaze@daitedrop·May 01

                                            Hmm, I'd say the one feature missing in orb right now is a built-in teleportation function. Imagine being able to zap yourself from one place to another in seconds! That would be a game-changer for sure. What feature do you wish orb had? 🤔

                                            • Tommek@tommek·May 01

                                              a collecting board?

                                              • Ciskodisco@ciskodisco·May 01

                                                Definitely DMs , Edit option ,

                                                • SRT@realsrt·May 01

                                                  Polls and posting in multiple clubs at a time

                                                  • Ability to upload GIFS 🙏🏾

                                                    • Javi@0xjavi·May 01

                                                      Feed is sometimes too chronological and I’d love a way to make lists of fav friends to receive notifications, or a separate feed for them, so I don’t miss what they post

                                                      • MR. DARIUS@mrdarius·May 01


                                                        • Moon Cath@mooncath·May 01

                                                          For me personally would love to see a way to showcase creations in a GALLERY.

                                                          And also SEARCH or FILTER posts through keywords and also viewable in GALLERY so I can easily look for items to collect.

                                                          Also tipping?

                                                          Thanks for considering our feedback. ☺️🌱🪴🌷

                                                          • BoRn_SliPPy@brn_slp·May 01

                                                            Is ORB sponsored by the sun?
                                                            Asking for a friend who just discovered sunglasses works at night too)

                                                            All_I_Need is_Dark_Mode

                                                            • peter@petersealer·May 01

                                                              follow and mint directly

                                                              • Defi DeGen@defidegen·May 01

                                                                Bookmark feature, spaces, dark mode

                                                                • Message people

                                                                  • Reder@red404·May 01

                                                                    And my collections .

                                                                    • Vendorf@vendorf·May 01

                                                                      GM. I think for me as creator is very important that I can talk or chat directly with those who mint some of may paintings or pictures. Because, some NFT comes together with a painting and we need to talk, how poeple can get it. Local in app comunication would be realy good.
                                                                      Also editing post. I’m from Latvia and some times I make mistake in writing, so I need to edit post.
                                                                      Also selecting up to 3 clubs for a post.

                                                                      • Xyori@xyori·May 01

                                                                        Black modeeeeeeeeeeeeee🥲

                                                                        • Reder@red404·May 01

                                                                          dm and photo editing are the two most needed for me

                                                                          • As creator I would love to have a better way to show up all my NFT like on @ornaart , an easier and clear way to make research with filter

                                                                            • Essah@essah·May 01

                                                                              Doubleclick on a photo to zoom in and out

                                                                              • dankshard@dankshard·May 01

                                                                                DMs, club chats, non-custodial in-app wallet.

                                                                                • vikas⚡@vikascrunch·May 01

                                                                                  DM , add dm option in orb

                                                                                  • Honestly? I just want to be able to upload music via the Android app, since I don't have an iPhone to do that from.

                                                                                    • post editing, undo repost, a way to see your collected posts in one place

                                                                                      • MRB@billym2k·May 01

                                                                                        Multiple tagging of clubs (eg : photography and bonsai )

                                                                                        • M.F.L@mfltw·May 01

                                                                                          What I can't see in my browser
                                                                                          I use ORB, but I don't know where other interesting projects can be found other than Bonsai Club.
                                                                                          Is there a notification function?
                                                                                          Is there a feature that allows me to list my friends?
                                                                                          If not, I want it.
                                                                                          Warpcast doesn't have a list feature, so it's difficult to catch up on information.
                                                                                          It may be useful to have a search function that allows you to find the information you are looking for.

                                                                                          • Undo repost

                                                                                            • 多地区语言翻译和界面语言

                                                                                              • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·May 01

                                                                                                Search - To be able to search posts etc.🌹

                                                                                                • Perhaps in app DMs :)

                                                                                                  • More file format support.
