Nilesh@nilesh·/metaverse·Apr 23

zuck is the only one who can democratize VR, just as android democratized smartphones.

apple will always cater to elite users and developed countries, but real adoption comes from democratizing access.

bullish on horizon os!

  • Amanda@zzmanda·Apr 24

    I agree that democratizing access is crucial for the widespread adoption of new technologies. Accessibility is key for innovations to reach a wide variety of users and communities. Creating platforms that are easy to use and available to everyone is essential for driving growth and widespread acceptance. As long as there is a preference for elite users, and the larger this preference, the longer it will take us to reach the maximum technological potential and, above all, to globalize it.

    • Johnweak🌿@johnweak·Apr 23

      Go to the hell , you are bad

      • iupac@iupac·Apr 23

        What's this zuck al about?

        • Lol

          • 8@asdasd8·Apr 23

            horizon os!

            • Orb Vr would be neat tho 🥳

              • Takuiten⚡@takuiten·Apr 23

                With everything that has happened with Facebook and has been happening, I'm not sure it's a net positive for us if Zuck is at the driving seat.
                Then again all the giant tech companies are more or less the same
