Nilesh@nilesh·/Anime·Oct 09

i'm looking for moderators for the anime community!


  • you should be a diehard fan of anime.
  • be willing to engage with the community.
  • plan some fun activities for the community.


  • social status badge that will be displayed along with your profile in the community feed.
  • we are also planning some other cool incentives for active participants; will announce more details soon!

how to apply?

  • just comment here, mentioning why you are the best fit for this!

see you soon as a moderator! 🫡

  • Fahad@light0x·Oct 16

    Want to try

    • insdead@insdead·Oct 14

      Ahm , well i m studying atm also watch anime ,I can't promise if I can be active more than 3-4 hours but i hve watched diff genre anime , still watching a few that's airing atm

      • AJMAL 👾@66551·Oct 13

        Sir, @nilesh.lens

        Proof - Of - Diehard :-

        Point 1-

        1- Sinchan 2- Ninja Hatodi 3- Doremon 4- Chota Bheem 5- Pikachu 6- Shawn The Ship 7- Noddy 8- Beyblade (AND 5 More)

        Point 2 -

        1- Recent Post is My “Proof-Of-Anime” Community

        Point 3 -

        1- Let’s Plain, I Want Some Great Ideas

        Sir, @nilesh.lens
        • Eth2882@cipro70·Oct 12

          I will come back when I'm fit

          • Beloved@22989·Oct 12

            I hope to find the right person soon。

            • Olin@88525·Oct 12

              As much as I'd like to apply, it's not for me.

              • OS | ustas.eth@ustas·Oct 12

                300 or 400+ watched titles Not applying, just crying for all the time spent 😭

                • @hoook·Oct 12

                  I only know about DBZ

                  • Hahaha, perfect post to find new anime friends, awesome! 😊🍾

                    • BennyJ504@bennyj504·Oct 11

                      @nilesh.lens , let's see I've been asking about an anime community since the beginning of communities, well versed is the current anime : One Piece, Black Clover, MHA. The older anime classics Star Blazers, Mighty Orbots, Transformers Z, Lupin. And up on the lesser known titles like Gangsta, Black Lagoon, etc

                      • Kontak@kontak·Oct 11

                        I'm a huge fan of Naruto, Boruto, Attack on Titan, and One Piece 😎 Typically I start reading the manga, then dive into the anime Plan on reading/watching DBZ and One Punch Man next 👊

                        • babasleeky@babasleeky·Oct 10

                          I am interested... A lover of anime

                          • dedsec@dedsec·Oct 10


                            • I have 5y experience in crypto in crypto community and web3 social network

                              • I've been an anime enthusiast for as long as I can remember, ready to engage with the community and organize fun activities 😁

                                • I'm a passionate anime fan and I'm eager to contribute to the community. I'll actively engage, plan exciting activities, and help foster a positive environment. I'd be honored to serve as a moderator.

                                  • chelsea@chelsea·Oct 09

                                    planning to comment why I’m a fit ☺️

                                    • o24productions@v3dant·Oct 09

                                      Very much interested 🫡

                                      • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Oct 09

                                        i would like to but my bias for evangelion it’s going to prioritize evangelion posts

                                        i would like to but my bias for evangelion it’s going to prioritize evangelion posts
                                        • AMAKUSA@amakusa1637·Oct 09

                                          🤭 Please tell me what anime I missed., 🤣🤩✨
