Memester@memester·Nov 12

Someone mentioned something interesting this morning in a Twitter space: would be great to have the ability to create our own algorithms that generate our feed. Based on general rules or some specific customisations.

To a (very) large extent my feed is dependant on who I follow, but there are some tweaks that are cool to have. For instance, on Twitter we only have “trendy” or “latest”, but often I want to have something “quite trendy over the last 3 hours”.

Do you think it’s cool to build a “Feed Logic” module that plugs into different front ends and where each user can create their own logic, or this should remain the responsibility of Lens as a protocol OR of each front end to develop the feed logic? Curious to hear your thoughts!

@davidev.lens @stani.lens @punkess.lens


Some rules I would personally create 👀

General rules:
e.g., don’t show me FTX-related content, show me more of those cool generative art pieces

Specific customisations:
e.g., in my feed I would love to have way more content created by @pedromonte.lens, @erikamoji.lens, @danisnearby.lens, @samthingwrong.lens, @gotenks.lens, @punkess.lens, @chriscomrie.lens + others.

  • Takuiten⚡@takuiten·Nov 13

    That would be amazing fr

    • Awesome idea

      You could also change the rules depending on weeek day or weekend e.g in the week maybe more info based on work topics, weekend it’s pure content for joy

      • Stani@stani·Nov 13

        really love this idea would love to see if anyone takes an initiative to build since it could be very cool to explore

        • Chaosland@020311·Nov 13


          • Thanks for this post. Really agree that an approach like this would improve the user experience. I can imagine all kinds of creative expressions of this logic too.

            • Pehh@pedromonte·Nov 13

              100% and thanks for the mention.

              and @phaverapp.lens has some kind of workaround on that, as users can auto-classify their posts and also pick from which section to read stuff.

              Comment by @pedromonte.lens
              • @jtasker·Nov 12

                I think users are probably capable of providing "seeds" and "preferences" but tbh, I still think actual algorithm development will live in bigger units/teams/businesses. Like "give me the rage algorithm with particular attention to politics, lobbying and this one critter in particular" or "give me the optimistic science algorithm paying particular attention to ageing technologies, gene therapy and space travel". The underlying algorithms that are either optimistic or ragey, or are good for feeling -toned or factual things are made by professionals, but specific contents are chosen by users

                • @79123·Nov 12

                  good idea~~

                  • ntindle@ntindle·Nov 12

                    Had some ideas around this earlier today re: content moderation. Really hopeful for this

                    • Frank@frankismartinez·Nov 12

                      Si. But, I also want the firehose of ALL accounts in my tl/feed; then let me filter based on moods or vibe of the day.

                      • Ya I’d love to mute FTX SBF

                        • thank u for the mention. it was so sweet of u 💕 i definitely agree. i would love a more customised feed. i feel as though that’s why i’ve strayed away from traditional sm. everything on IG is an ad or something irrelevant. i don’t even see my friends’ posts anymore. do agree w @punkess.lens abt new logic that’ll fix that soon

                          • @vanshika·Nov 12

                            Great idea!

                            • F(x)=kx+b@perky·Nov 12

                              Great idea. In advanced settings on the front end, blacklist words such as "ftx", "shiba"(in a bull market) or a random pattern you see bots using.

                              • AlicΞ@punkess·Nov 12

                                great post, thanks for sharing 🎇
                                Imo there are 2 types of data worth differentiating as of rn.
                                1 - transaction related data (available on the #blockchain) -> who posted/commented/... when.
                                2 - content (available on #storage - #ipfs, #arweave, #ceramic, ...) -> what someone posted/commented.
                                Imo we will see logic to order / filter the feed based on 1 pretty soon. And that might cover 95% of your requests.
                                The - to me ;-) - exciting part is 2. My guess is that high quality content based #recommendations require some data aggregation layer for the content to train AI/ML on top of. Or enable simple content scoring.
                                ---> Would love to hear other people's opinion on that. <---
                                I think a "workaround" good enough to exclude at least posts containing keywords like "FTX" might be available pretty soon as well.

                                • Kipto | Orb@kipto·Nov 12

                                  100%!! Thi is something l’ve been thinking for a long time. Also l know there has been early iterations by @erikkaum.lens

                                  • Carrot@thecarrot·Nov 12

                                    Makes alot of sense

                                    • Ricky@rickydata·Nov 12

                                      Yup, 100%. I've been wanting to create a timeline showing you posts that have received the most positive sentiment, that's what I did this analysis for:

                                      I definitely like the idea of highly customizable timelines, I created a little app as an experiment, but found it tough to gather 100% of the content. You can't really have an indexer and API endpoint which lets you say "don't show me FTX-related content" because the content is stored elsewhere, so you'd need to collect that data, which can be slow.

                                      • Thx for puting me on this list and yeah something like this would be cool i personally just open a user in new tab to see if they have new content when i am done with my feed and there is nothing i just open some people i know post frequently and i like their content so something like this would help
