Ali | Phaver@dollowen·Oct 12

gm frens! 💜 we completed a big workshop with @phaver product team: @rasim @ivovtw @emilmanolea this week we will discuss more.

question for everyone, imagine you have a magic wand and you can change one thing in phaver, what it would be? please don't mention about new features, focus current features/elements in phaver. waiting all responses under comments! 👇🏻 thanks! 🫶🏻

  • @tael23·9d

    Les gens aujourd’hui suivent des projets qui récompensent.
    En plus de toutes les innovations que vous avez déjà apportées, vous pouvez implémenter un système de récompense par AirDrop régulier qui apporte un peu plus d’utilité au Token et aux NFTs Phaver Up, qui se baserait sur le niveau, la détention moyenne de $social dans l’application, et le type de Phaver Up détenu.
    Si le Token prend de la valeur, ces récompenses seront significatives et attireront du monde qui viendra investir dans le projet, car ce système de récompense sera considéré comme revenus passifs 👌

    • Bytllh@bytllh·Oct 16

      Postlara resim veya fotoğrafla cevap verme getirilebilir mi?

      • LΞO@eraleo·Oct 14

        Okay there's a couple of things i would want to change though, but since i can only change one thing with my magic wand, I'll airdrop to all Phaver Diamond Hand SBT holders an NFT equivalent to A purple PhaverUp NFT which takes the holder straight to level 5 with a cool diamond hand badge to proudly showoff with.

        I would really want this to come alive!
        @dollowen pls make this magic a reality. Would make Diamond hands a Big deal as it should be.

        • Limit the number of phaves per post/level: either from near levels or the cost of a phaves is proportional to the distance of the level. The trend is to assign phaves to high levels as soon as possible. Low levels should also be incentivized to receive phaves. Or for example, a level 4 could have 15 phaves for lower levels and 5 for higher levels. In short, we need an incentive for biodiversity 🦄

          • most importantly: the text of the posts cannot be copied

            • Notification or notice when Daily Phaving arrive. they often arrive and I have to force the interruption of the app to see them

              • Reccomended tab is totally useless, it almost always shows the same user. is to be improved

                • jabato@jabato·Oct 13

                  Yo delimitaría mejor las fronteras entre post por ejemplo cambiando el color del fondo del encabezado a elección del usuario

                  • Chest0@chest0·Oct 13

                    Hello Tutti, modifier ou supprimer des comptes d’applications tiers connectés

                    • Btccrypto@btccrypt0·Oct 13


                      • @holyadas·Oct 13

                        100th person to mirror this. You know what that means!!! #SOCIALS

                        • Jira@jiraa·Oct 13

                          I want to re-uploaded the picture again, just in case the previous upload was incomplete or had lower resolution. 💜

                          • @kaxchen·Oct 13


                            • Valahar@valahar·Oct 13

                              Poder actualizar los nft y sbt desde la app, actulmente no se ctualizan y tampoco puedo vincularlos desde la pagina

                              • But wht price of social below 2x down from pvt sale .. so sad to me

                                • Aman Ali@heiran·Oct 13

                                  I will fix the point to social conversation ratio fixed.

                                  • I will like to see @phaver allowing us to reply to reply posts with images too

                                    • @tkm123·Oct 13


                                      • Newton jnr@blues002·Oct 13


                                        • @naoki0126·Oct 13


                                          • @peterx·Oct 13

                                            let my level rise

                                            • Rxm@caram·Oct 13

                                              One click Mirror and GIFs

                                              • Create interest groups and search within text of posts

                                                • @yalcindeniz·Oct 13

                                                  Apart from the messages from the people we follow, I would like to see the messages from the people we specifically follow in a separate place. Thanks. ☕️

                                                  • For me personally replying to comments under my post its time consuming since it takes me back to the top after each reply.

                                                    I know you said one thing 🫣

                                                    Notifications are missing after couple of hours and they aren’t displayed in a way that is easy to go trough.

                                                    Disconnecting wallet would be considered a new feature but i believe its really important to be able to remove wallet.

                                                    • Gm sir

                                                      • @goodlee1988·Oct 13


                                                        • Mayokun@mayorhking·Oct 13

                                                          Give room for people whi are active but have small followers. It like people with larger follower gets the best things here on phaver. They have all the badges and SBTs. Badges and SBTs should be shared equally as long as you are active on this app not base on followers or points.

                                                          • @gentlemusty2020·Oct 13

                                                            Good morning

                                                            • @mickyj·Oct 13

                                                              Wallets / pictures in comments

                                                              • @bascroot·Oct 13


                                                                • parlar@parlar·Oct 13

                                                                  Önerilen,sana özel vs akışın hızlı
                                                                  yenilenmesini sağlardım.

                                                                  Profil fotoğrafı ve bio vs kısımlar ekranın nerede ise tamamını kapsıyor
                                                                  Bu kısmı küçültürdüm

                                                                  • Sinoh@sinoh·Oct 13

                                                                    Probably reduce the points for super posts.
                                                                    The margin on each comment should also be increased so it'd be easier to read.
                                                                    Also, I'd say the normal posts should also be given some importance or points. It doesn't always have to premium or super posts that gets the point.

                                                                    I think that's all.

                                                                    • Mizan3333@mizan3333·Oct 13


                                                                      • Sherry@sepeowwp0·Oct 13


                                                                        • sahan@sahanam99·Oct 13


                                                                          • divainly@divainly·Oct 13

                                                                            Credit for real engagements too

                                                                            • AweezY@aweezy·Oct 13

                                                                              if I am going to change one thing correctly with phaver it's going to be the Cool nft scores and cred, as much as I understand that we have to be careful with them because of scammers and farmers, I think some rewire should be made to all of them so they are more interesting to collect although I know it might not add to phaver in the grand scheme, but I think it's going to be a good motivation, it's not going to be cool collection if one can't collect varieties you know? 🤷🏾♂️

                                                                              • babasleeky@babasleeky·Oct 13

                                                                                I will implement a change in the reward system and visibility of posts.
                                                                                If only visibility of posts can change as a result of quality contents 💭. Imagine seeing a post with just Gm everywhere with 1000 phaves and likes, then a post that teaches or instructs on how to achieve a goal getting just 40 phaves. I think something needs to be done here.

                                                                                On the other aspects, I think rewards should come from quality comments

                                                                                • @bastol·Oct 13


                                                                                  • @cedarltd·Oct 13

                                                                                    $Social or nothing

                                                                                    • Souley@souley·Oct 13

                                                                                      I would love to see a PIN feature on the existing feed feature

                                                                                      • Shishir@shishir18·Oct 13

                                                                                        just get it,tnx

                                                                                        • NuelSneh@nuelsneh·Oct 13

                                                                                          • Reduce points required for super posts.
                                                                                          • Organized comments section, looks buggy atm.

                                                                                          • Ayusufdev@techbiz·Oct 12

                                                                                            CRED AND LEVEL

                                                                                            • erenxdolu@erenxdolu·Oct 12

                                                                                              -New video UI --> Video play button looks very old, also, auto video play can be considered

                                                                                              -fix Image upload --> quality of uploaded images decrease on some devices

                                                                                              -NFT points adjustment --> NFTs gives too much points, I can get as much as points I get from sharing posts. system does not motivates to create better and better while we can get much points from NFTs

                                                                                              Comment section bugs fix --> after scrolling 20-30 comment, app is not work smoothly, especially replying the late comments getting pretty diffucult

                                                                                              • Perazim@agokejohn80·Oct 12

                                                                                                Feedback mechanisms
                                                                                                Like a mod or I channel one can ask for assistance, information or can be guided about tasks on phaver

                                                                                                • @tael23·Oct 12

                                                                                                  Il faut mettre en place des NFTs axés uniquement sur le holding du Token #SOCIAL
                                                                                                  Un super NFT avec des pouvoirs de Crédits et points supérieurs ou à minima égal au Phaver UP Genesis PURPE qui sera AirDrop à tous ceux qui auront minimum 1.000.000 de token SOCIAL dans les différents wallets connectés à Phaver.
                                                                                                  Et supprimer les pouvoirs de ce NFT si la quantité totale des tokens SOCIAL dans ces wallets devient inférieure à 1.000.000

                                                                                                  Des pouvoirs encore plus puissants peuvent être accordés pour chaque million de tokens supplémentaire détenu.

                                                                                                  Ça créera une pression acheteuse sur le token pour ceux qui ont compris les fondamentaux de Phaver

                                                                                                  • @wizetoons·Oct 12

                                                                                                    Mine isn’t really an issue but if I can edit my comment rather than deleting them, that would be one feature, I would look forward to

                                                                                                    • @beaconcrypt·Oct 12

                                                                                                      Less emphasis on super post???
