Li Mn@nnmhj·Sep 12

Professionals such as VitalikButerin have encountered security problems on traditional social platforms. The security problem has reached the point where it is necessary to solve it because it involves many fraud issues.

Post by @nnmhj.lens
  • Thanh Y@76776·Sep 13


    • con nai Crypto@gainz·Sep 13

      Princess proposing

      • Mind Attic@mindattic·Sep 12

        Sad it happened to him, but it was a good lesson for all of us.

        All in on web3 social media. Love you #lens

        • L3kan@l3kan·Sep 12

          The rampant account scams due to SMS 2FA have gone on for too long! I hope people come to realize that SMS 2FA isn't as secure as they think.

          • Lsabella@ywjqnf·Sep 12

            This is the fatal problem of traditional social models
