@trish:Am I going to be excommunicated from lens if I express my feelings about how much I hate that HugXYZ
GRAMS@grams·/lens·Sep 17

No one will reallllly just magically have a foothold here is the thing.. the group of us that believed in @lens two plus years ago forever have the foothold. Nobody will surpass or be able to speak over the voice that we’ve built, but it sure is interesting to watch web3 maxis who largely ignored web3 socials come and instantly try the same old tired playbook from first post, like whoever runs rarible’s twitter now 🤮 annoyingly boring as expected. Can’t preach community when they’ve ignored actually forming one and now want everyone to come make their frat bigger. Like, show me how you’re actually helping not just a select handpicked few that get every opportunity or GTFO. The guardians of lens know what/who is real and who’s just continuously spewing nonsense