GRAMS@grams·Aug 27

Did you know that in Hollywood/music industry the managers of artists all but demand their silence on activist + political measures? White men with power telling you to keep your mouths shut & only worry about making money. Don’t piss off the investors. Sadly this ideology has crept into visual art & we are surrounded by it. “Successful” artists are no longer the voice of the people out of fear they won’t sell work to the mega wealthy who continue to vote against their minority friends. Silence is loud, listen up.

  • Sakura@sarjithan·Aug 28

    How can artists fight back?

    • We were so lucky to have Sinead O’Connor in Ireland. People would say she was way ahead of her time, but she was just way ahead of fear. Always spoke her thoughts. She was a gem 💎

      • @lucky14·Aug 27

