@grams:Let’s try this again… the _2142 auction has BEGUN on @lens/orna https://orna.art/c/0x326c-0x0fad
GRAMS@grams·/fuckurjpeg·Aug 12

and that’s a wrap! congrats to @carstenpoetter on an absolute steal of a 1/1 on @ornaart (:

going to take this time to showcase some of the work that’s been collected over the years on @lens via multiple apps present and past

eternal thanks for being a part of what allows me to do what i do 🙏🙏🙏

  • Dr.17@drkkw17·Aug 13


    • TSI@zarroswetsi·Aug 12

      Interesting find.🤔️

      • thanks a lot for the great work. 😀

        yeah, those are some of your fine works. I have to curate them myself one day. I transferred some to another wallet, so that may take some time.
