What do you think will drive the next wave of new users to onboard to crypto?

🌊 Liquid staking 🎰 Perps markets + leverage 🌿 Web3 social media 🎮 Gaming 🏗️ L2s / zkEVMs 🥷 Private DeFi (ie Aztec) 🪐 Cosmos interoperability

  • Games with Free to Own model!

    • Roy@royalbeck·Feb 03

      🎮 & 🌿

      • GOD@limrr1150607861·Feb 02


        • Messi ◱◱@vn8888·Feb 01

          Wow, you listed all the drivers for next wave...

          Happy Oh Yeah GIF by Victoria's Secret PINK
          • Markus B.@seliqui·Feb 01

            I guess none of them 🤔 Most of them are fairly complex things that new users would be overwhelmed with (when trying to interact with it on day one).

            Highest potential imho is a more streamlined & straight forward onboarding process so they can participate in daily payments.

            The other stuff will follow then.

            (You also don't get into finances by starting margin trading on the stock market. You start with cash, a bank account, a credit card, etc...)

            • 0Kelvin@91811·Feb 01

              prob most of them in some way, some of them are def interconnected.

              • Kiril@kiril·Feb 01

                #DeSoc ofc 🔥

                • Liquid staking and then L2s/ZKEVMs

                  • Most likely gaming after bigger studios addopt to it second guess would be another revolutionary mechanic i don't think it will be web3 social as people don't like loosing the followers they got on Web2 so if there won't be a big ban wave then i don't think there will be big waves of people entering Web3 social but If a big creator would join Lens then a lot of users would def get in to follow the content of him

                    • Jolish Zhao@78278·Feb 01

                      Web3 Social Media Lens, Mask, Rss3 And Ens

                      • cool

                        • 🏗️

                          • ArminHoori@arminhoori·Feb 01

                            I hope we can bring more REAL Artists, curators and Collectors here

                            • To Web3 not specifically Crypto 🌿 Web3 social media 💠 Hospitality, Travel, and Event Ticketing and Memorabilia 🎮 Gaming To Crypto, specifically 💠 TradFi and Banking system changes 🎮 Gaming

                              • angyts@angyts·Feb 01

                                None of those.

                                Perhaps simple applications. Like crypto phones with simple crypto social media apps that allow you to earn some crypto.

                                • Gaby 👼@gabriela·Feb 01

                                  Web3 social 🌷

                                  • Thumbs Up@thumbsup·Feb 01
                                    1. 🏗️
                                    2. 🌿 [notable gap]
                                    3. 🌊🎮🥷
                                    • m_j_r@m-j-r·Jan 31

                                      shared GIS/spatial metadata: github.com/google/s2geometry www.kaggle.com/datasets/max-mind/world-cities-database en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system we already have cheap EVMs, development for Ethereum scaling is locked in & compartmentalized, but does this global internet of value possess an open heatmap/bulletin board for any arbitrary exchange of goods & services? and I mean open as in the cost of indexing the local dispatcher is below the median daily expenditure. same with web3 social, from first principles. are a majority of online participants grouping together (frequently, cheaply, & unprompted) IRL to form deeper social graphs, is high-quality content getting indexed favorably on high-volume search engines, and is there enough conversion to keep the development of platforms in the public interest? Gaming could be a treasure trove of people casually blowing off steam & providing valuable input to a public good. Something like Dookie Dash copying an old-school flash game and slapping tokenomics on top doesn't cut it. Something that demands upfront purchase of NFTs like Stepn or Superlocal & rewards w/ some random token isn't sustainable. Aztec + zkrep is probably a trump card for DAOs. we haven't really seen groups of friends fundraise for REITs or SMEs, though that will be a huge catalyst for nimble teams to disrupt markets. we haven't really seen any major crypto projects deal with shipping or last mile usecases. the question is how crypto allows accountability with privacy, and tbqh I think the opportunity to invest in that dwarfs the collectibles & securities markets that we've seen in crypto so far. Perps are great for buffering volatility (like opyn's crab/zen bull), leverage is sometimes good for maximum cap (if checked by watchdogs constantly in zero-interest environment). Hopefully the market is efficient & risk-aware. same for liquid staking; hopefully post-shanghai is drama-free, and hopefully eigenlayer is bug-free.

                                      Comment by @m-j-r.lens
                                      • paveldcr@paveldcr·Jan 31
                                        1. Gaming
                                        2. Web3 social
                                        3. Gamified Web3 social 😀
                                        • Probably gaming tbh

                                          • lana ✨@lanadingwall·Jan 31

                                            web3 socials + L2/zkEVMs (as long as their UI/UX is good and easier on-boarding wallet wise, which seems to be happening!)

                                            • Phaver app@phaver·Jan 31

