Nheindev@nhein·Apr 18

The day is quickly approaching where it will be possible to file insurance claims to an AI that's running on a decentralized network.

This AI will

  • Evaluate your claim
  • Approve it
  • Send monies to the address you filed through

Where blockchain meets AI, you're going to see a huge disruption of industries that thrive off of fucking over the consumer.

The principal agent problem doesn't HAVE to be a problem. It's rooted in a trust problem, and decentralized infrastructure fundamentally solves problems like this.

  • @absorb·Apr 20

    The world is changing! Awesome!

    • This AI will

      • ApeFest@apefest·Apr 19

        AI + blockchain technologies are going to change the world!

        • JFGHFDSF@excelsheet·Apr 19

          The same with twitter now ! Twitter Ai blocks your account and you can never get hold of a human to unblock it !

          • Kekokeko@galyosef·Apr 19

            love it

            • The same with twitter now ! Twitter Ai blocks your account and you can never get hold of a human to unblock it !

              • airist@airist·Apr 19


                • Your sense of humor brightens up even the toughest days. Thank you for making me laugh!

                  • Cancun Mexico@cancun·Apr 19

                    I can't wait. However do you think there will be a negative impact when it comes to unemployment?

                    • Mihai C.@mihaic·Apr 18

                      Not only in the trust problem, also in the gatekeeping/monopolies problem, solved by permissionless and interoperable ecosystems.
