Nader Dabit@nader·Mar 26

New Video - How to Replace GitHub with Radicle to Take Ownership of Your Code

This dives into the new V1 of the Radicle Protocol and CLI. Learn how to add Radicle to your workflow in < 10 minutes.

Recently the founder of GitHub was banned from the platform.

Beyond being extremely ironic, this sparked a great debate about the centralized nature of most Git providers and what it would take to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git.

Unlike centralized code hosting platforms, there is no single entity controlling the network. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner, and users are in full control of their data and workflow.

In this video, I try to cover it as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Check out this thread to learn more about the new V1 launch of Radicle

  • mostafa@reyms·Mar 28


    • DuBois@dubois·Mar 28

      very good

      • rimahim00@leo30·Mar 28


        • jack20242@jack12301·Mar 28


          • lvyez@butubuk·Mar 28


            • Jacq@jacqs·Mar 27

              appreciate this! happy to have more repo choices

              • I was actually thinking about a situation like this the other day. So much code on a central corporate network… now owned by Microsoft!

                Seems inevitable that something decentralized needed to be made. Do you know if Radicle works with Fleek yet? I use Fleek and GitHub to host a site using an ENS address…

                • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Mar 26

                  I have always wondered how come github is not opensource

                  does Radicle also work for private repositories? because by the nature of how it works I understand it doesn't, right?
