Nader Dabit@nader·Nov 10

There's been a recent uptick in interest, adoption, and investments in crypto and crypto-native products.

This combined with DX and protocol improvements made over the past couple of years makes it a great time to rethink the types of apps that can be built today vs previously, and to more aggressively target real-world use cases like social and gaming.

The big value proposition is enhancing existing use-cases with features and UX improvements that aren't possible with centralized infra & traditional DBs.

We recently released V2 of Lens after a tremendous amount of thought and effort put in by the entire team here at @LensProtocol that introduces a new modular developer platform for building applications –

Publications – Text, Video, Audio, 3D, Events, Transactions, Live Streams, and more

Profiles – Manage a user's identity alone or across an ecosystem of applications with built-in delegation

Comments – Enable discussions and comments alone or within a social application

Smart Posts – Facilitate a smart contract interaction on any protocol, smart contract, or network within an existing publication

Gasless and no signing of TXs - Users experience the same UX as they would on applications like Twitter with no signing or transaction fees unless transacting $

Social Graphs – Easy to bootstrap a completely new social graph, or choose to inherit an entire or partial existing social graph

Recommendation Algorithms – A variety of recommendation algorithms are already available to developers and users and more are being built. As Jack Dorsey stated "... the value of social media is shifting away from content hosting and removal, and towards recommendation algorithms directing one’s attention. Unfortunately, these algorithms are typically proprietary, and one can’t choose or build alternatives. Yet."

Now they exist and are already available in many apps.

Permissionlessness & serverless – As we roll out permissionless access very soon, Lens will become more akin to a serverless developer platform. Users are simply signing up, signing in, and interacting. Developers focus on building their client-side apps, no back end teams needed to ship valuable and polished apps.

Even in a bear market, Lens apps have raised ~$20M over the past few months, all small teams with as few as 2 people.

New V2 documentation, SDKs, libraries, and quickstart guides are now live:

Post by @nader
  • liang@qiaoliang·Nov 17

    is there a smart post demo in the wild ppl could try?

    • SON'AN@sonan·Nov 11

      Keep up the good works devs...

      • Kontak@kontak·Nov 10

        Still can't get over the fact Lens apps raised $20 million in this bear market. Mind blowing achievement 🤯

        • So excited

          • Great points Nader. What I'm happy to see alongside these latest version upgrades, is the rapid response to resolving bugs across the ecosystem's various clients.

            I do agree with your sentiment though, there are some yet-to-be discovered DX (decentralized experiences I'm guessing) that will redefine the traditional status quo of social media platforms. The most original interpretation I've seen redefining the norm thus far, is what had been up to with their social, personal trading card experience.

            Now, that being said, I haven't used the platform in a while & I'm not sure if they're working to bridge their DX with other protocols in the space like Lens, etc. It's just a solid example of a platform attempting to create novel experiences enabled by web3 tech.

            • Explossy@noah123·Nov 10

              You guys doing amazing things 🔥

              • v excited for all the things Lens v2 will power.

                • Assault@artisticsouls·Nov 10


                  • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Nov 10

                    totally bullish on decentralized social networks 🌐
