Nader Dabit@nader·Mar 14

knowing that you are not knowledgeable enough about a topic in order to broadcast your opinion to the world as if you are an expert in it is a virtue

very easy to lose respect for someone when they jump into every topic as if they are an expert

in tech there's also this balance between sharing what you learn in public, and imposter syndrome

in this case being a good communicator, period, can give you a lot of credibility as you learn (and will help a lot of other people as well as you share the knowledge you're gaining)

  • everything is going in a good direction

    • Communication is the bridge to everything

      • "very easy to lose respect for someone when they jump into every topic as if they are an expert"

        you just described all of traditional media.


        • Jake Damon@jakedamon·Mar 14

          Exactly, some people are ‘trend experts’ Finding those that talk about the subject they actually know about, no matter the market, are worth the time to listen to.

          • Mesut@mesutgulecen·Mar 14

            It's important to have self-awareness and recognize our own limitations when it comes to expressing our opinions on any given topic. It's crucial to strike a balance between sharing what we learn and feeling the imposter syndrome.

            • vietnamese@vietnamese·Mar 14

              good point

              • Knowing what you do and do not know is much more powerful then pretending you know everything.

                • Biewen@li2w25·Mar 14

                  I think so too

                  • @218888·Mar 14


                    • Jolish Zhao@78278·Mar 14

                      Totally agree that, ensure the professionalism of what you say in order to win the trust of others
