Nader Dabit@nader·Dec 18

Twitter has officially banned linking out to other social media networks.

Lens could not have come about at a more critical time. We recognize that the big challenge is permissionless access, this is something we're working hard on.

What Twitter is doing is the opposite of free speech. It's the opposite direction of where a social media platform should be going.

  • Lloyd@lloyd·Dec 19

    There is a team working on this protocol concept called n00bwallets, that is perfect for onboarding web2 users.

    • RicBurton@ricburton·Dec 19

      Rolled that back real quick haha

      • Telmo Goncalves@telmo·Dec 18

        I truly don’t understand this move from twitter. Ruining a company / social app in 90 days?

        • ntindle@ntindle·Dec 18

          Billions built a social network, and one man is destroying it on the stage for all the world to see. It’s heartbreaking.

          • Brad Nickel@bradn·Dec 18

            Unfortunately though, the current signup limits and lack of 1 step lite wallet install makes onboarding non-crypto folks not viable. Hate to see Lens not able to execute on this big opportunity. I understand it is what it is, but still sucks.

            I did DM @mhluongo.lens that a @tallycash.lens integration would be optimal.

            • This decente Twitter decision could accelerated Lens growth.

              Web3 devs are witnessing firsthand the opportunity offered by Lens.

              Then to make it usable by anyone we could have email/social media logins for the short term

              • Defi DeGen@defidegen·Dec 18

                Censoring at it's best at twitter after musk takeover

                • F(x)=kx+b@perky·Dec 18

                  Twitter is like a toxic relationship and now the partner is trying to stop you from leaving the house lol

                  • amber ✷@arterlioz·Dec 18

                    it's kind of petty ngl
