Nader Dabit@nader·Dec 06

Today I'm excited to announce the release of React Native Lens UI Kit 🚀🌿

Get started building mobile apps with social features in as little as 2 lines of code 🤯

Check it out and give it a star here 🌟🌟🌟

Here's why we decided to build this.

UI kits have supercharged developer workflows now for years.Most UI kits have reusable components like buttons, tabs, list items, etc...

These components are great because the abstract away common design and functionality patterns and allow developer to focus on the features that will differentiate their app from everyone else.

When we think of almost every app in existence, there are actually only a few main design patterns that we see reused and rehashed in new and creative ways.

Most apps are list views that navigate to detail views, with a bunch of form elements and buttons mixed in.

What happens when we start seeing common functionality being abstracted at the API and infrastructure layer as well?

We should be able to componentize and abstract away the common design elements here as well!

With Lens Protocol, and really with most social media / social graph applications, we see the same elements.

A profile, a post, profile details, list views, etc...

Traditional apps though have only a single UI that is controlled and owned by the company.With Lens, the protocol encourages developers to build out their own ideas and experiences on top of it.

They don't have to worry about building the back end, they can instead focus on building out their web and mobile apps because all of the infrastructure is maintained for them - similar to serverless technology but instead applied to the entire back end.

This library componentizes and abstracts away these common elements – profiles, posts, comments, profile details, list views, etc... so developers can focus on building out their own differentiating features instead of reinventing the same exact design elements over and over.

In the near future, I want to make the components completely configurable as well so that they can be modified to suit more complex and custom design systems.

The project is still in alpha, so please provide any feedback you'd like so we can continue improvements into the beta and V1 launches.

Comment by @nader.lens