Introducing Den: the fastest multisig for onchain teams, built on Safe.

Starting today, you have access to the same tool that world-class teams have been using to manage over $80M in assets.

You’re about to move 10x faster 👇

Some background:

Over the last six years, Safe has become the gold standard for onchain teams. It secures 5% of the entire crypto asset class, and its usage is still exploding through the bear. Responsible onchain teams use Safe.

But there’s a problem: Onchain teams are still slower than offchain teams. They need to be 10x faster to transition the world to a crypto-native economy.

So we spoke to hundreds of multisig signers to figure out what’s slowing them down. The end result?

We sped up over 180 teams and secured over $80m onchain, by solving their three biggest problems:

  1. It takes days — sometimes weeks — to execute transactions

Signers are busy, away from their ledgers, or just forgetful.

So Den automatically coordinates signers with recurring notifications on Discord and Telegram so you don’t have to constantly follow up with them.

  1. It takes hours to understand transactions, and even then teams are scared to execute them.

Den decodes transactions into human readable information, shows descriptions from your team, and simulates transactions before you sign so you can execute with confidence.

  1. It’s hard to create transactions — so hard that some teams hire engineers for it.

But now you can create transactions intuitively with Den

Simulate them as you create so you’re confident in the outcome, and batch transactions together so your teammates only need to sign once.

Starting today your team can use Den’s public beta with your existing Safe multisigs.

Sign up now at to make your multisig 10x faster.