، full time kpop stan. part time nursing student. ? priv: @quiaella prev: exyzeoul, majikspelle
Software engineer and founder @AlgodexOfficial and @algodev_io. I like discussing futurism, investing, and cryptocurrencies. Long $ALGO t.co/s4pFhTCDcW
Herotag @anfloresg ⚡??♀️ LOVE $eGLD #Elrond?Licda en Admin Mención Mercadeo ??⚡Admin en GANANCIAS DIGITALES 2.0 ?? Enlace abajito en mi sitio web ?
software engineering, ttrpg stuff. "snarky yet honest" (he/him)
مقيم في السعودية
second account|Fb:JhonleePalaruanTalaroc|Humanities and Social Sciences ? Chstrprd ??
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