AlicΞ@punkess·Aug 07

this week on lens. edition 11 🪴

gm gm ☀️ please share your #lens highlights of calendar week 31 in the comments :-).

@pedrovilela.lens had the fantastic idea to feature lens artists and artwork in the visual part of this week on lens and created a new "visual identity" 🤍🙏. From now on this week on lens will feature lens art, starting today with:

(revenue of the next this week on lens post will be split between the first 5 lensfrens commenting their highlights 👇)

the revenue of this week's post will be split between @dmcsvn.lens @grams.lens @carstenpoetter.lens @electricfilm.lens and @huugo.lens . Thanks for sharing your highlights last week 🤍


Post by @punkess.lens