Levy.eth@levy·Dec 07

📣 @bellosights.lens new feature announcement!

Have you ever wondered how many of your collectors are active across web3 social?

Well, we just integrated @lensprotocol so that you can better understand the onchain activity and engagement rates of your collectors.

Here's how it works!

Unlock insights into your collectors' activity across web3 social such as:

• What percent of your collectors are on Lens

• Your most followed collectors

• How many NFTs they've collected

• How many times they've posted

• Their Twitter handles and @lensprotocol handles

  • more

🔎 Section 1: Lens Follower Rank

Visualize who your most followed collectors are on Lens and get access to their @lensterxyz and Twitter handles.

🔎 Section 2: Percent of Holders on Lens

Get clarity on how many of your collectors even minted a Lens profile.

• Recommendation: > 20% = get your on Lens and create consistent engagement to find like-minded collectors!

🔎 Section 3: Total Collects

Understand how many posts, comments, music NFTs, video NFTs, and more they've collected to better determine how active they are and how that weighs up to the entire protocol at large.

🔎 Section 4: Total Posts

Find out how many times they've posted across the network to measure their engagement rate.

Keep tabs on which collectors are making their mark in the world of web3 social using our new integrated dashboard feature with @lensprotocol.

Get access to this dashboard + many more onchain insights by signing up for our private beta.

🔗 bello.lol/join

Comment by @levychain.lens