New episode ft. Nick Hollins, a journalist, podcaster, and Co-Founder of @ufoclub.lens. Excited to publish this one and share some unique content for the Lens 🌿 community.
Here are some of the highlights from our conversation. 🧵
Nick shared his journalism and music background and how he became interested in crypto and the web3 space. He discussed his involvement in various web3 projects, including his work with Voyager and the UFO project.
Additionally, we spoke about the importance of community building and marketing in web3, how writing NFTs have helped Nick build his community, and insights into the unique aspects of writing NFTs compared to other forms of digital content.
Nick also explained his mental model for using different web3 platforms and his vision for the future of web3 native audiences. We discussed the potential for web3 to create new opportunities for artists and creators, and how the technology could reshape the creative industries.
Overall, it was a fascinating conversation, def worth a listen.
I hope you guys enjoy it!