On this episode of Rehash, we’re speaking with Zoe Weinberg, Founder and Managing Partner at ex/ante, the first venture fund dedicated to agentic tech.

We start our conversation by getting a little insight into Zoe’s background, which is quite unique and unusual but also lends itself quite well to the work she’s doing today in privacy and human agency.

She shares the ways in which her past humanitarian work in conflict zones and developing nations opened her eyes to issues around surveillance capitalism and how she had her first big realization of how crypto can change individuals’ lives in meaningful ways when she met a group of Bitcoin miners in Iraq during the Mosul conflict when Iraq successfully took back the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.

We then dive into some big topics around agentic tech, including user control, consent, privacy, and online (and onchain) data sharing. Zoe envisions a world where humans have full agency over how their information and data are used and we talk about what it might take for us to get there.

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🔗 LINKS The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff: www.amazon.com/Age-Surveillance-Capitalism-Future-Frontier/dp/1610395697 Privacy Party (prev: Block Party): www.blockpartyapp.com/#privacyparty/ ex/ante Substack: buildexante.substack.com/

⏳ TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 2:35 Zoe’s background 5:52 When crypto saves lives 10:24 How surveillance capitalism has developed over time 15:31 State vs corporate surveillance capitalism 18:02 Will online privacy regulations improve over time? 23:07 What is agentic tech? 29:14 What impact can agentic tech have in our lives? 34:40 How do user control and consent fit into a public blockchain? 36:46 Examples of agentic tech solutions 45:14 Ideal end state if agentic tech succeeds 48:00 Can You Not 49:40 Follow Zoe and ex/ante

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is the opinion of the speaker(s) only and is for informational purposes only. You should not construe it as investment advice, tax advice, or legal advice, and it does not represent any entity's opinion but those of the speaker(s). For investment or legal advice, please seek a duly licensed professional.

  • @ya117·Jun 16

    he first venture fund dedicated to agentic tech.

    • hbjmn12@ghj12·Jun 16

      which is quite unique and unusual but also lends itself

      • ghghj@ghgjkk512·Jun 11

        took back the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.

        • ghj17@ghj17·Jun 08

          group of Bitcoin miners in Iraq during the Mosul conflict when Iraq successfully took back the city of Mosul from the Islamic State

          • hjk88089@ghjk88089·Jun 05

            a little insight into Zoe’s background, which is quite unique and

            • fanchuanxiy@loloa·Jun 03

              you never know what you are going to get

              • B99899@b99899·Jun 03

                She shares the ways in which her past humanitarian work in conflict zones and developing nations opened her eyes to issues around surveillance capitalism and how she had her first big realization of how crypto can change individuals’ lives in meaningful ways when she met a group of Bitcoin miners in Iraq during the Mosul conflict when Iraq successfully took back the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.

                • po002@po002·Jun 01


                  • o001@po001·Jun 01


                    • 10006@w10006·May 30


                      • 10006@w10006·May 30


                        • bhnbhn322@ghj322·May 28

                          Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get

                          • AA9882@aa9882·May 25

                            Come on by and remember why we’re here and building — grab a matcha, screen printed t shirts.
