Alan@donosonaumczuk·Dec 14

Which was your first and your favourite videogame console? My first one was N64, and my favorite PS2. No matter how better the graphics and gameplay become, PS2 felt like an inflection point for me and my childhood, will always be the best.

  • K.@fllstck·Dec 14

    My first was the Sega Master System, my fav was the GameBoy.

    • Steve@stevekenny·Dec 14

      Starfox FTW

      • Naomi@naomi·Dec 14

        First one: Gameboy (but I have older bros/sis)
        Favourite one: this is awfully difficult 😅 Probably the Gameboy Advance, it had an amazing catalogue. I really love the N64, GameCube and Wii too though. The catalogue of the DS/3DS is also impressive ... Idk there's too many good consoles 😅

        • Nader Dabit@nader·Dec 14

          I can’t answer this one because it will reveal that I am actually and old man

          • Mine was a gameboy color lol - still have it - still works

            • Lola@hazelstar·Dec 14

              My first: the GameBoy 😬

              My favorite: PS3 because of the many absolute bangers that came out on it. Yes the PS5 is cool and all, but wen good games?

              • Ps1 and 2. Got an Xbox 360 for Xmas in high school and I didn’t know what to think but ended up freaking loving it

                • first gamecube (well i guess gameboy), favorite xbox 360

                  • I grew up playing games on PCs before consoles were a really big deal. There were commodore 64s and ataris but the PC had my heart. Graduated to a Playstation but never really got hooked until the recent Xbox where I can now super easily play with my kids and nephews.

                    • accountless@chopan·Dec 14

                      nintendo w excite bike and metroid

                      • Jess@jessgee·Dec 14

                        First: Nintendo SNES - I played Super Mario World for hours on that thing.

                        Favorite: Sony PSP - Having a portable game console was a game-changer.

                        • chelsea@chelsea·Dec 14

                          PS1 ❤

                          then PS2.

                          • First: Nintendo GBA

                            Favorite: Nintendo DS/PSP

                            Handhelds are superior

                            • Paris Rouzati@paris·Dec 14

