Josh@wagmi·Apr 23

This is an interesting topic which crosses my mind a lot, I do not have kids yet, but I have a lot of side projects which I LOVE. As sad as it sounds, being on my computer coding is my happy place. Question to all the fathers out there when you had children, did that change? Did the motivation become harder? Did that drive in your shift?

I’m not expecting kids yet, but it’s always something I wonder about. People love their kids, and some people change into completely different people.

  • brb will let you know in a few months

    • I think that the more we grow, the more we need to set our priorities in different ways. When I was 16 I used to play video games 12 hours a day. Now that I'm working I can't do that, but I still take some time to enjoy playing videogames and coding. When I will be a father, I am sure I will have other things to do, but no matter what if you're really passionate about something, you'll need to save some time for your passions. No matter what.

      • chatBTC◱ ◱@4ever·Apr 24

        must be.

        • sirhoney@eth0001·Apr 24

          just do your ting I guess, and worry less about what effect having a kid will have on you

          • Dan@liangchao998·Apr 24


            • I mean, the entire of point of life for any living organism is to have kids. If you don't, then what's even the point of being here?

              • Salt@08h28·Apr 24

                Yes, having children can make a difference.

                • Olin@88525·Apr 24

                  Children make us grow up, you should have a child.

                  • Children change everything in your life. You subordinate your entire schedule to them, especially in the first years. The first 2 years are mostly exhausting (mostly for moms). When I compare the years before children and after children (especially with the first child), the years before children were idyllic and peaceful. In the first pregnancy, my wife had to lie down practically all the time, and I had to provide everything for her and still work. For me, children are the meaning of life, despite the fact that it is a mass of sacrifices, dedicated time , resources, because you do everything for their sake. I do not understand people who immediately assume that they do not want children because they are expensive, and they want to lead a comfortable and prosperous life, possibly with a dog or cat. 🤷🏻 I have a son and a daughter so I have a full parenting overview and see how they are different from each other, but still enjoy spending time with each other. My wife and I try to raise them in such a way that they always stand behind each other. We'll see what happens next, because for now the son is 12 and the daughter is 9.

                    • Mary@ohcaxap·Apr 24

                      I can answer for myself and my husband 😁 After the appearance of our son, our life changed dramatically, but not so much because of the son, but because of the covid 😞 My husband had to change his field of activity from photography and DJ to work in the Crypto (and this is one of the best decisions of his life). From the point of view of the amount of work at the computer, he can afford as much time as he needs to spend on it, due to the fact that I am mostly engaged in the child (for us this is a comfortable family model, but we also have a lot of leisure time in common!)

                      • Paris Rouzati@paris·Apr 24

                        brb will let you know in a few months

                        • Jacksu88@jacksu88·Apr 24

                          My wife and I have tried to raise a child, failed, and it made us very sad for a long time. We actually now fear raising kids, the whole environment makes us lack courage and feel very sad.

                          • MetaZool@metazool·Apr 24

                            Everything will be changed from the initial decision direction Since I have children, my own preferences into the preferences of the children, will change a lot of bad things in my own character, because I will discipline myself to pay attention to my words and actions so that children become better than I am! This is a power of love and discipline

                            • 申玉星@xsy072184·Apr 24

                              I’ll tell you in a month 🙃

                              • How cool is your post. I am 59 years old and have a 5 year old daughter. Everything changed in my life after the birth of my daughter. I think having a daughter my age gave me experience and patience that I certainly wouldn't have had if I were younger. The important thing is that the attachment with her is continuous. I'm thinking of opening a channel just to talk about my experiences with my daughter.

                                • Puff Captain@79679·Apr 24

                                  With children there are more possibilities and expectations, the responsibility will restrain to try to be more certain of matters, will do less and less risky things, mainly because can not afford to lose...

                                  BTW, gas is so high when I comment this, we need our own chain I think...

                                  • 12345@65412·Apr 24

                                    I LOVE

                                    • Christina@christina·Apr 24

                                      Been thinking about that too - I love being on my computer and spending time deep down rabbit holes learning about new things. Something I don't want to compromise on if I have kids. But reality is we will need to spend time in other areas with new responsibilities.

                                      • 하잇@raikaputri2·Apr 24

                                        Think so

                                        • L1L2L3L4@bay90n·Apr 24

                                          It definately change, your all routines and free times.. you may stay late at night to do your works because during the day you'd be busy with family stuff.. If I wanna be honest I can say that I am happy with having a kid! among all those shit times!!!

                                          • It definitely changes. There's certainly much less time and space in your life for side projects. That said it's also pretty wonderful to have these tiny humans that you get to significantly shape (and are kind of half you) to share it all with. I've got 4 kids and sharing the things I love with them has amplified my enjoyment significantly. Highly Recommend. 😁

                                            • 如果你是原本是一个很喜欢孩子的人,那么有孩子 就会成为你做一切事情的动力。

                                              • huugo@huugo·Apr 23

                                                I’ll tell you in a month 🙃

                                                • dre@qingisdead·Apr 23

                                                  I don't actually have kids, but on behalf of my sister:

                                                  Comment by @qingisdead.lens
                                                  • Well am not a father but I know that different stages in life will require a different "you" but then not losing "yourself" is up to you.

                                                    • Yakuza@iamtheyakuza·Apr 23

                                                      Other than discipline what motivates me the most to try always my best are my kids.

                                                      And I love spending time w/ them.

                                                      Your life balance will need to be fine tuned accordingly so that you make time for them.

                                                      Will worth!! Trust me ☺️☺️
