98ser@x98ser·Jun 15

@build_on_bob 出了第四周的任務 (6/18截止)
有點像@LineaBuild 的 linea park
本周社交任務很多 給分也很多 (一分抵10 spice)
重點是參加人數才幾千個 不捲
應該很簡單 網上也有不少教程

@build_on_bob released the tasks for the fourth week (deadline 6/18)
A bit like @LineaBuild linea park
There are a lot of social tasks this week
Lots of points are distributed (one point is worth 10 spice)
The point is that there are only few participants
It should be very simple.
There are many tutorials on the Internet.
So here are a few tips to note.

  • 98ser@x98ser·Jun 15
    1. 如果你 BOB 鏈沒錢了 不要走官方橋
      走 relay.link/bridge/bob?fro…
      比所有第三方便宜且快 從其他L2跨過去超划算

    If BOB chain is out of money, don’t take the official bridge
    Go to relay.link/bridge/bob?fro…
    Cheaper and faster than all third parties.
    Super cost-effective to cross from other L2

    • 98ser@x98ser·Jun 15
      1. 任務裡有些DC的邀請連結無效

      Some DC invitation links are invalid.
      It may be that the invitation limit has been reached.
      If you need any, comment and I'll post it up

      • 98ser@x98ser·Jun 15
        1. @artoshi_io@ConftApp 都有mint domain域名的任務
          做一次就好 盡量選長一點的比較便宜 (0.0013 ETH一年)

        Both @artoshi_io and @ConftApp need to mint domain
        Just do it once.
        Try to choose a longer one which is cheaper (0.0013 ETH per year)

        • 98ser@x98ser·Jun 15
          1. 如果你 BOB 鏈沒錢了 不要走官方橋
            走 relay.link/bridge/bob?fro…
            比所有第三方便宜且快 從其他L2跨過去超划算

          If BOB chain is out of money, don’t take the official bridge
          Go to relay.link/bridge/bob?fro…
          Cheaper and faster than all third parties.
          Super cost-effective to cross from other L2
