Today we’ll be talking about phaver levels

Let’s dive in

There are 5 levels in phaver namely level 1, level 2and so on. The naming might be a little on the nose but that’s besides the point.
These levels have their distinctions in their benefits. We’ll be taking them one after the other

Level 1: New phaver users start here and do no get any phaves and are also not will not be eligible to redeem tokens at TGE starts at level 2. Level 1 users can level up in 2 days after anima verification

Level 2: Users that have successfully upgraded to level 2. They get 5 daily stakes/phaves (phaves sounds better).

Level 3: To get to level 3 you need to add more NFTs to increase your number of cred. But we’ll get to what cred is. At level 3 you get 10 daily stakes/phaves.

Level 4: You can also get here by buying more NFTs and adding it to you phaver connected wallet. The easiest way is just getting a phaver up NFT. By the way they get 20 daily stakes/phaves

Level 5: The major difference between level 4 and 5 is the fact that level 5 users get 40 daily stakes.

Tomorrow we talk about the cred system and phaves

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