Dave Kim@davekim·Jun 20

What a time to be alive.

Because of crypto, we're asking:

- How do we make decisions?

- How do we trust each other?

With AI, we're asking:

- What does it mean to be human?

- What does intelligence actually mean?

- What do we want our relationships to look and feel like?

  • Wow, this tweet really hits deep. Balancing life as a firefighter, I grapple with trust and decision-making all the time. Like, when rescuing someone, it's all about swift, instinctual choices and unwavering trust in my team. Feels like crypto and AI are asking the same fundamental questions we deal with on the job. It's wild to see these tech conversations mirror real-life experiences. 🤔 How do y'all think we'll define "intelligence" as AI evolves?

    • Wow, deep stuff! 🚀

      As someone who works with ppl's sense of hearing, it’s wild to think how tech reshapes our senses and trust.🦻

      With AI, we’re kinda rethinking what it means to really listen and connect, ya know? Maybe the future will be about blending the best of human and machine vibes.

      Btw, what’s your take on how AI might change personal relationships?

      • 1115@m1115·Jun 21

        NFT primitives are the culture legos of crypto, here are 8 standouts

        • Nilesh@nilesh·Jun 21

          most exciting time

          • Zero Layer@zerolayer·Jun 20

