If you want to be successful
Some vital points:
Disallow anger. You cannot flourish with anger. There are no angels of anger but there are demons of anger. Anger is demonic.
Never live in fear. Fear leads to failure. Eliminate fear. No shaking!
Be conscious that you have the mind of Christ. Talk to yourself "I am excellent, I do excellent things."
Be excited about new challenges. Give yourself new targets and be excited about them. Everything you want to achieve this year is outside your comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone. The good in your hand is what is preventing the BEST to come. Make new things happen this year.
Always have regards for people. If you don't have regards for people, you cannot flourish. Respect people. I tell people humility always brings unexplainable promotions. This year, people are your harvest. Love people.
Always think about souls because it is our business. It is the church's business. If you neglect souls, you cannot flourish.
Be Kingdom of God conscious. Don't forget who you are and where you come from. Let your prosperity be felt in the kingdom.