CryptoHindi@cryptohindio¡Aug 29

🚨Important steps to fix, If u r not able to see okx wallet to claim points @use_corn

👀I saw many r not able to assign Bitcoin wallets points from okx to EVM

👇Steps to fix
📝If both evm & Bitcoin wallets r from okx wallet then u will not have any issues

⚠️If u r EVM is metamask & Bitcoin in OKX then u will not see okx wallet in list

👷First of all team is aware of this & trying to fix the problem

✌️2 ways to fix this problem now
1️⃣Easy way
✅Just import okx seed to UniSat wallet & problem solved

2️⃣Tricky way (live video)
👇Steps to claim your bonus points
✅Access my sheet with invitation links
✅Click any available link
✅Join using EVM wallet (MetaMask)

✅Now logout

✅Click on Join Button
✅Select "with eligible wallet" tab
✅Now copy your sBTC taproot address (starts with tb1pj...)
✅Paste it
✅Hit "check"

💥Now u can see 4,800,000 bonus for Babylon testnet task

✅Hit "sign & join"

👇Important steps👇
✅Connect okx evm wallet first
✅Scroll & hit "connect & assign"
✅Now u can see okx wallet option, just connect it
✅Now scroll up & disconnect okx evm wallet & connect your metamask wallet
✅Verify EVM wallet
✅Hit "Assign"
✅Sign txn in OKX wallet