🚨Important update if u r farming Linea LXP-L & Scroll Marks

⚠️RhoMarket on @Scroll_ZKP got exploited

👇Good news
😁Luckily we didn't interact with this Dapp
✅Hacker going to return all funds

👇Bad news
😳Exploit season is back


🤔If u remember previously also when one exploit starts, all other hackers group gets activated & we see multiple exploits

🤔I feel exploit season started

👇Do this urgently
✅Remove your liquidity from all new Dapps like
⚠️Nile on Linea

🤔And any other new dapp in which u staked for Linea LXP-L or Scroll Marks

😁We already farmed enough points, if we don't unstake now
⚠️We may lose our capital

🚨So I urge everyone who followed my Linea LXP-L guide & added liquidity to Nile, to remove your liquidity
⚠️Keep only what u afford to lose

⚠️Non of the above mentioned dapps r exploited, but prevention is better than cure

✅I removed my liquidity from all new dapps👇

✅Add liquidity only in blue chip dapps like @aave
