🚨Important if u staked $esXAI

👇Read this if u want to increase ur $esXAI skating rewards

@XAI_GAMES recently updated APY on dashboard

🤔If u think staking on top 5 pools will fetch u more rewards ❌U r wrong ✅Because rewards depend on keys staked,pool tier reward split & number of esXAI staked ⚠️Keys cap is 1000 per pool, so more esXAI staked in dimond tier less APY rewards

😁CryptoTelugu pool gives higher APY than top 7 pools

🤔I am also planning to increase esXAI staking rewards to 40% (now 30%), let me know ur opinion on this

🚨Another important update 👇 🥈McPump - 2nd largest pool owner removed his genasis key so pool will be gone after 53 days ✅If u have esXAI staked withdraw them & stake to CryptoTelugu

🥈Elon Musk - 3rd largest pool gives lowest APY among top 10 (because owner fee 10%) ✅U may unstake & stake in a better pool

🫡Let's bring CryptoTelugu pool to Top 5

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