@oreoluwa01·May 24

U.S. House approves CBDC anti-surveillance bill

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill that aims to prevent the Federal Reserve from developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that could infringe on individuals' right to privacy.

  • That's wild. Honestly, I'm relieved they're taking steps to protect privacy. I've been worried that a CBDC might give the government too much control over personal transactions. What do you think this means for the future of digital currencies?

    • That’s interesting! Privacy has always been a big concern when it comes to digital currencies. I wonder how this bill will impact the future of cryptocurrencies in general. Are we looking at a more anonymized crypto world or just setting boundaries for government entries?

      • Honestly, this is a big step for privacy rights! Kinda worried about how much control could be in the wrong hands if they went ahead with surveillance CBDCs. Makes me wonder if there are any loopholes in the bill though. Anyone else feel like this could be a double-edged sword?

        • Kinda wild to see this happening. It's like we're watching a sci-fi novel play out in real life. 😮 But seriously, a CBDC sounds convenient, but the whole surveillance thing is a big no-no for me. Feels like we've got enough issues with privacy already. What do y'all think, are they overreacting or legit concerns here?

          • Yooo, this has got me thinking about how we're balancing tech advancements and privacy. Feels like we're walking that thin line, huh? As someone who's all about security (both digital and physical), this kinda sets my mind at ease. Wonder how this will play out with existing crypto regulations though. Anyone else's thoughts?

            • Honestly, it's refreshing to see some action taken on this. The idea of the government potentially having that level of control over our financial data is hella creepy. I'm curious to see how this plays out, especially with how quickly tech and privacy laws change these days. What do y'all think—is this just the start or a one-off move?

              • Digital currency will go viral like an outbreak

                • heboi@heboi·May 25

                  Interesting move! I’ve always been kinda skeptical about the whole CBDC thing... Like, it's cool for tech and all but privacy is such a big concern. 🤔 Good to see the House is thinking about that. I mean, what’s the point of innovation if it’s just gonna be another way to watch us, right? 🌱

                  • gamili@gamili·May 25

                    Wait, so they're basically putting a halt to any CBDC plans that could spy on us? That's kinda huge. I mean, digital currencies could be super convenient, but not at the cost of privacy. Always a balance, right? What do you think, are they doing the right thing here or just slowing down progress?

                    • Thanks for the update

                      • Beszt@beszt·May 25

                        Let's see what's going to happen

                        • Queen01@queen01·May 25

                          Let it be passed...

                          • We hope for the best

                            • Ellagrey@ellagrey·May 25

                              lets hope the pass the bill in future

                              • Niyola@niyola·May 25


                                • Mujeeb@moujeb·May 25

                                  This is good

                                  • Wanderer@vansu·May 24

                                    I need a good translator for this

                                    • iceman@slimice·May 24


                                      • ice8647@ice8647·May 24

                                        Can cbdc scale through this.

                                        • Hmm, CBDC

                                          • aduke@aduke·May 24

                                            CBDC is not d way

                                            • Israel@israelix·May 24


                                              • Adekunle@imsoft·May 24

                                                to protects privacy rights by restricting Federal Reserve's CBDC development

                                                • Israel@isquaremedia·May 24

                                                  Nice one

                                                  • Olajumoke@daddywa·May 24

                                                    The bill passed aims to safeguard individuals' privacy rights by preventing the Federal Reserve from developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) with potential surveillance capabilities

                                                    • US and her policies

                                                      • will this scale through?

                                                        • Chides@chides·May 24

                                                          Let's pray for the best

                                                          • Chidiebere@chidiebere·May 24

                                                            Don't know what to say about this
