Stani@stani·Jun 05

Interesting idea to build - Follower lists on @LensProtocol 🌿 Creating Uniswap style curated lists of profiles to follow based on interest, such as fashion, gaming, governance, MEV. These follower lists could become horizontal interest graphs

  • MA@jibbu·Jun 07

    Stani add the like/love button too.

    • Kris@kriskay·Jun 06

      jeez i thought money legos were cool, social legos sound even cooler

      • great idea and problem to tackle - especially since this can work also for knowledge/know-how graphs. would love something like that for gaming! How about you @stani.lens

        • GRAMS@grams·Jun 05

          for my mental health i unfollowed ALL news/journalists on twitter to focus on art/NFTs, but not before compiling them all into a list like this that i can check in on as a separate feed if i want. but i'll tell you a secret... i don't want to 🙃
