Stani@stani·Aug 26

We are witnessing the biggest silencing on freedom of speech, insane that we are living a world where creating freedom-technology can lead to this type of a prosecution. Freedom of speech is heavily compromised in UK, France and rest of the Europe.

  • Tricked@tricked·Aug 27

    I’m Pro-freedom of speech and Privacy, but we do not know what really happened and what France’s motive, but one thing is for sure, Telegram indeed lack of moderation and no one is answering any queries, if problem arises there are no hotlines or social channel to help us resolve the issue, it happened to me personally when I can’t gain access to my Telegram account.

    • jams@ethvip·Aug 27

      It's a challenge.

      • Techno-fascism

        • ZELDA@0xzelda·Aug 26

          This is unbelievable!!! Tf is this !!!!!!????? This is absolutely crazy !!

          • AweezY@aweezy·Aug 26

            boss it's spreads all across the world sadly 😥

            • Andrija@andrija·Aug 26

              This image, unfortunately sums everything up. But we shell prevail over the weak ones!

              Comment by @andrija
              • GRAMS@grams·Aug 26

                It will be interesting to see further details though as my channels mention it may be in part due to links between Jan 6 insurrection and known comms to the Kremlin via TG as well as things are heating up going into Sept and Oct with Jack Smith’s prosecution of Donold.. aside from Russia knowingly using for war coordination against Ukraine. Things that can’t be taken lightly but also all cannot be revealed at once because of ongoing investigations usually and we now live in a world of instant demand so 🤷♂️

                • No cake for you!

                  • Ruthless@ruthless·Aug 26

                    Wow so basically they want to punish him for not allowing a backdoor into the application?

                    I find it weird to make the founder of an encrypted messenger responsible for what the users share with each other.

                    Couldn’t the same crimes also happen on WhatsApp, Instagram or any other app with messenger capabilities?

                    • And this is France. Like where Descartes & Montesquieu & Voltaire are from. It’s disheartening how far they’ve moved towards authoritarianism
