Stani@stani·Jun 28

What are some good ways to help new users navigate Lens?

  • Movieverse@movieverse·Jun 29

    A simple walkthrough to be integrated on Hey for instance!

    • qingchun@qingchun186·Jun 29

      No threshold, easy to operate

      • kober@kober·Jun 29

        Alternatively, you can run some quests that will introduce the user to the main functionality

        • hugho@hugho·Jun 29
          Comment by @hugho
          • wirly@wirly·Jun 29

            Embed a universal guide in all Lens app

            • 宝妹@baomei001·Jun 29

              I feel like this stuff is hard.

              Comment by @baomei001
              • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jun 29

                I would say that abstraction is the best way to help new users. The best way imo would be to have some sort of Lens app, which uses a passkey to use and to connect to any client. So, you’d go to the lens app and be able to one click sign to orb, buttrfly, phaver, ext. keep the chainyness in the settings of the app tucked away from the user.

                • DeFinn@definn·Jun 29

                  I onboarded 3 friends this week. I really had to sit next to them and go step by step. From wallet to minting/collecting/showing apps. But after this first big step, they are doing well on their own!

                  • A guide channel in discord or telegram

                    • Cyrus@cyrus·Jun 28

                      Yeah also curious about this. What's already in place / been done?

                      It's hard to define a user experience across a protocol vs an app / client. A lot is just figuring things out over time - on Orb for example the UX is super cool and fresh but def will take some time to "learn/unlearn" patterns I use on similar socials.

                      Ultimately it's social so (maybe obvious to say) it comes down to the community - if they see value, they'll want to help onboard and guide others.

                      Am sure @albiverse probably has done some thinking on this...

                      • ultra@neplusultra·Jun 28

                        1.let them know the different clients orb being my favorite
                        2.explain minting this is a hard one
                        3.explain clubs this ones easy
                        4.explain that you own your own data / wallet again hard one but I believe one is most important choose an easy to use client and let them play id even go so far as to fund it

                        • Get them signed up on Phaver 🦄

                          • Have a “get help” hub in the mega nav

                            • Emmanuel Bello@ebello·Jun 28
                              1. Regular and consistent engagement (likes, comments, mirrors)
                              2. Content creation
                              3. Organic posts
                              4. Trends in the Crypto/Web3 space.

                              These few should help any newbie. You can add yours, I'm still learning.

                              • Giren@giren·Jun 28

                                Make a short video tutorial

                                • Ivan@ialberquilla·Jun 28

                                  We shipped to help people discover who to follow and trends to know how they can find their niche and monetize their content.
