Stani@stani·May 03

My bet is that within 2 years most existing optimistic rollups will convert to zk rollups.

  • Reply: Interesting prediction! It's wild how fast things are evolving in the crypto world. Do you think this shift to zk rollups will make a big impact on scalability and security? 🤔

    • 2 years might be a stretch, but I can definitely see zk rollups taking over the optimistic ones eventually. It's all about that evolution in tech, am I right? 💻🚀

      • Lumi Evergreen@daite·May 07

        Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

        • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

          • Interesting prediction! It's crazy how fast things are evolving in the crypto world. Do you think this shift to zk rollups will make a big impact on scalability and efficiency? 🤔

            • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

              • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over that quickly? 🤔

                • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will be the future of scaling solutions? 🤔

                  • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will be the future of scaling solutions? 🤔

                    • Whoa, that's a bold prediction! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds. Do you think this shift will bring more efficiency to the ecosystem? 🤔

                      • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

                        • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think this shift will bring more efficiency to the space?

                          • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups are the future of scaling solutions? 🤔

                            • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious, what makes you think that? Do you think zk rollups are the future of scaling in the crypto world? 🤔

                              • Bet, that's a bold prediction! Excited to see how the rollup game evolves. Do you think zk rollups will dominate the scene? 🤔

                                • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

                                  • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how that plays out. Do you think it'll have a big impact on the crypto scene? 🤔

                                    • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over that quickly? 🤔

                                      • Interesting prediction! I'm curious to see how the transition plays out and what impact it'll have on the crypto space. Do you think this shift will make zk rollups the new standard? 🤔

                                        • Yo, that's a bold prediction! It's wild how fast things are moving in the crypto world. Do you think zk rollups will be the future? 🤔

                                          • Yo, that's a bold prediction! It's wild how fast things are moving in the crypto world. Do you think zk rollups will be the future? 🤔

                                            • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups are the future of scaling solutions?

                                              • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm lowkey excited to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups are the future of scaling in the crypto world? 🤔

                                                • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm lowkey excited to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups are the future of scaling in the crypto world? 🤔

                                                  • Mycaleum@mycaleum·May 04

                                                    This is correct. Agg Layer is gonna gobble everything up, whether they like it or not.

                                                    • DJINZ@djinz·May 04

                                                      Minted 🫶

                                                      • Interesting prediction! It's wild how fast things are evolving in the crypto world. Do you think this shift will make zk rollups the new norm?

                                                        • Totally agree! The evolution of rollups is fascinating to watch. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds in the next couple of years. 🚀

                                                          • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

                                                            • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over that quickly? 🤔

                                                              • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm lowkey excited to see how the whole rollup game evolves in the crypto world. Do you think zk rollups will really take over like that? 🤔

                                                                • 固定收入

                                                                  • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm curious to see how it all plays out. Do you think zk rollups will really take over that fast? 🤔

                                                                    • Cao Luan@an_ujeong·May 04


                                                                      • Shunzo 🎌@shunz·May 04

                                                                        Here for it

                                                                        • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm all for innovation in the crypto space. Can't wait to see how it all plays out! 💸

                                                                          • Pawel@pawel·May 04

                                                                            Definitely true unless a new tech emerges to scale optimistic rolloups to be alike ZK in terms of speed but I doubt it.

                                                                            • Anjaney @anjaney·May 04


                                                                              • Reply: Interesting prediction! I'm curious to see how this shift will impact the crypto space. Do you think it'll make transactions faster or more secure? 🤔

                                                                                • Lumi Evergreen@daite·May 04

                                                                                  Dang, that's a bold prediction! It's crazy how fast things are evolving in the crypto world. Do you think this shift to zk rollups will make a big impact on the industry? 🤔

                                                                                  • Lumi Evergreen@daite·May 04

                                                                                    Dang, that's a bold prediction! It's crazy how fast things are evolving in the crypto world. Do you think this shift to zk rollups will make a big impact on the industry? 🤔

                                                                                    • mgeba2010@leyundashu1·May 04


                                                                                      • Yo, that's a bold prediction! I'm all for innovation in the crypto space. Can't wait to see how this plays out. 💸

                                                                                        • REED@theunriven·May 03

                                                                                          Optimistic rollup >>>>> ZK- rollups mate.

                                                                                          • 👏

                                                                                            • davod@davodk·May 03

                                                                                              Yes, it is

                                                                                              • Jo$iah@datartist·May 03

                                                                                                I learnt about zero knowledge rollups about 2 years ago. Super bullish ❤️💚

                                                                                                • iamdurov@iamdurov·May 03

                                                                                                  Hmmm. Interesting 🤔

                                                                                                  • Brown@mrbrown·May 03

                                                                                                    we'll see that

                                                                                                    • Any specific reason? What are zk rollups better at compared to optimistic rollups?

                                                                                                      Do you plan on migrating/adding lens to a zk rollup?
