Stani@stani·Apr 29

Is there an actual way to do an airdrop where everyone would be happy?

  • EnsHustler @affluent·May 01

    Gib everyone a cup of coffee

    • negar@negarss·Apr 30


      • NeverFN@artstock·Apr 30

        Only reward your community (don't do like Avail that tried to reward everyone and got everyone a small amount of tokens), reward based on time active * $ invested, make tiers with the best tier not receiving a enormous amount of tokens, dont ever announce the airdrop or that you are going to have a token, only announce when Snapshot is done, of course don't make points system, protect your airdrop against sybils using ZK-Personhood system, distribute atleast 10% of your tokens to community in TGE, no lockup no vesting. IMO this is the best way to reward your community If your Dapps/ chain is good enough you don't need a season 2 or an airdrop promise, people will use it because they like it and it's good, people haven't stopped using Uniswap because they don't announced a season 2 airdrop for example

        • Yogendra@yogendra·Apr 30

          No way Just do it your way 😂

          • Patrick@lens58·Apr 30

            Just drop $lens, because that will make a lot of people happy :)

            • Rxm@caram·Apr 30

              Arbitrum did it best. Make your criteria open from the start. Hold the allocation of sybil suspected accounts until proved. Keep it simple and fair for all. Its whales game currently.

              • pooja@pp207690·Apr 30

                I don't think so

                • @aunnaemeka·Apr 30

                  the default answer would be “no” as it is theoretically impossible to satisfy all humans. However, if the question is “Is there an actual way to do an airdrop where most people would be happy?” The answer is “YES”. But it’s a little tricky, as the way to the “YES” isn’t technical but social.

                  What I mean is that most ppl can be satisfied if the airdrop distribution is marketed properly. Forgive the use of the term “marketing”, it just connotes what I’m talking about here

                  Most people won’t be satisfied, if an airdrop is technically sound ie distributed well but with poor communications

                  So I dare say, a successful airdrop distribution is 80% marketing excellence (vibes, communications, engaging community, allowing community update your airdrop distribution a bit) and 20% technical excellence (filtering sybils, measuring contributions, etc)

                  • Cryptorodi@cryptorodi·Apr 30

                    wait for metamask ... you will surely be

                    • PathiosGR@pathiosgr·Apr 30

                      Ohh we need it

                      • I want to set the bar, but not so high.

                        • if you try to satisfy everyone, failure is inevitable

                          • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Apr 30

                            There are some good examples: $UNI, $OP, $ARB and of course $POINTLESS

                            • I'm very smart , you can send me all tokens , I will distribute to everyone fair and square 😁

                              • airdropverse@advyt·Apr 30

                                No, you can't. However, I believe that excluding regular users from the airdrop under the pretext of filtering out bots and allocating all tokens to whales and developers is not the appropriate approach for conducting an airdrop.

                                Normal users also contribute to the project in various ways, so projects should consider them as well. Take, for example, Ethena, Omni, EtherFi, DYM, Altlayer, and Arbitrum; these projects have genuinely served their communities, unlike Starknet, which filtered out most genuine users in the name of bot filtering. Setting a requirement of a balance of 0.005 ETH in their wallets, and they think multiple users cannot maintain it, what a rubbish conditions it is, LOL.

                                I hope Lensprotocol will prioritize user satisfaction. Yes, You can't make everyone happy, but at least don't kick out real users with dumb rules.

                                • ive@09092·Apr 30

                                  No pua🤣

                                  • 91facai@91facai·Apr 30

                                    As long as most people are happy.

                                    • Hieu@sadhana·Apr 30

                                      tldr, no

                                      • Ruthless@ruthless·Apr 30

                                        It’s possible to do an airdrop where everyone who deserves it would be happy

                                        • Yooo, I feel like airdrops are always a mixed bag, right? Like, some people are stoked about free tokens, but others are like "meh." Maybe if they tailored them more to individual interests, it could be a win-win for everyone? Just a thought! 🤔

                                          • kevin@newlens_account·Apr 30

                                            Nope,but you could try.

                                            • Biewen@li2w25·Apr 30

                                              $ 100,000 each. I think everyone will be happy😁

                                              • Defi DeGen@defidegen·Apr 30

                                                not possible to make everyone happy but giving a good sum will make most of them satisfied tier based are better than linear ones

                                                • The fairest way is to have multiple criterias, including early supporters, active users, real users, …

                                                  • theGiver@thegiver·Apr 30

                                                    Waiting for $LENS airdrop fosho! 🤝

                                                    • saniii@saniii·Apr 30

                                                      Yesss why not 🥳

                                                      • 0xharsh@pseudonymous·Apr 30

                                                        Nope. You can't make everyone happy all at once.

                                                        • Gavin@cooke94844·Apr 30

                                                          No, that is the nature of humans

                                                          • starli@amounts·Apr 30

                                                            hard but good

                                                            • Only some of us, some of the time. But not all of us, all of the time. That’s just science.

                                                              • 0xlaogou@laogou·Apr 30

                                                                Airdrop ASAP is a good way to make users happy, haha.

                                                                • block@i68288·Apr 30

                                                                  Registration duration

                                                                  • VestLab@vestlab·Apr 30

                                                                    Hi, Stani

                                                                    I dont think so. everyone want to earn money. Likely, We ( OGs) want to build our profile for future, to earn our creations.

                                                                    So I hope, you let OGs out, and dont mark us as spammer.

                                                                    Thank you. Wishing you and your family good health.

                                                                    #Lens Summer

                                                                    • it's near immpossible but at least the happy folks should be x2 than the unhappy users. $UNI And $ARB are the closes protocol to have ever done it. also $JUP on solana did well

                                                                      • Louie C Rhymes@louiec·Apr 30

                                                                        Only way I found it manageable to large groups for NFTs was through voxels

                                                                        • Nah. You gotta do that sh*t like DB Cooper and just make yourself happy.

                                                                          • im03th ◱ ◱@im03th·Apr 29

                                                                            That depends on how big your airdrop user base is.If the number of users of zksync is as high as it is, I’m afraid it will be disappointing no matter what you do.

                                                                            • Pat@eagle_invest·Apr 29

                                                                              Crypto communism? 🤣

                                                                              • OiniO_Crab@oinio·Apr 29

                                                                                No way

                                                                                • How could it be possible to make everyone happy considering a percentage of people are never happy, no matter what you do?

                                                                                  • Send me the Airdrop funds, i will distribute it fairly for you.

                                                                                    • Donsambaba@donsambaba·Apr 29

                                                                                      There's no way to satisfy everyone

                                                                                      • dre@qingisdead·Apr 29

                                                                                        even a global universal basic income would have a non trivial group of critics claiming it hinders competition and motivation

                                                                                        • Claquette@claquette·Apr 29

                                                                                          Nop. For everyone to be happy it would be necessary to include a lot of people which would reduce the number allocated per address; which would make those who are desperate for airdrops sad. If we increase the difficulty of obtaining an airdrop, people will cry, and those eligible will have more tokens.

                                                                                          Finnaly, the only people happy would be those who do not farm the airdrop and who receive it without really waiting for it or who wish to invest in the project rather than selling their token.

                                                                                          • Regula@regula·Apr 29

                                                                                            It is nearly impossible 🤣

                                                                                            • Infinati@infinati·Apr 29

                                                                                              Not really. Some people even get mad at earning an airdrop to begin with.

                                                                                              Allocation based on recent activity + extra for OGs would be nice. And kill the bots in the process if possible.

                                                                                              I’ve always said you can’t make everybody happy. It’s like being a president no one is gonna be fully happy with decisions made.

                                                                                              • I think so, but it would be very expensive 😅
