Stani@stani·Apr 14

Anyone tried Airchat? Whats your take? What do you like about it and don't like?

  • Infinati@infinati·Apr 15

    I tried it. It’s pretty cool. I’m kinda shy sometimes or my words jumble at times so I don’t know,, I’d rather sing. But I like it and will use it a bit. I’m Infinati on there.

    • Nilesh@nilesh·Apr 14

      i’ve been using it for the last 3-4 days and i like it a lot.

      the onboarding was quick and smooth. naval followed me back as soon as i onboarded, lol, so that was cool. the app feels super natural and authentic bc of the real voices of people. my user behavior was that i didn’t read any of the posts as listening seems more natural to me. the feed scrolls by itself, so minimum action is required from users. it’s hard to use in public places without earphones as the app is no fun without voice, just like twitter. however, it unlocks new user behaviors, like you can listen while running, similar to spotify.

      • Need to get an invite - would love to test it

        What I love about it being so ‘early’ is that you get the chance to speak with people with whom you would have almost 0 chances of doing so

        Not a huge fan of voice messages/chats, but I would try it to see what can be done with and through it🌹

        • I don't have the invite for the new version but the older version app's ux was awesome although I'd still prefer reading over Airchat's 'reddit but via voice chat'

          • w3088163@w3088163·Apr 14

            Yes. but couldnt get its purpose exactly

            • Emrah Is@emrahis·Apr 14

              Yes. but couldnt get its purpose exactly .)

              • sdfvszdf@cryptonexus·Apr 14


                • ag@talix·Apr 14


                  • ag@talix·Apr 14


                    • asdrghj@asergsd·Apr 14

                      go go we
