Stani@stani·Feb 17

Whats the best way to verify humanity onchain that you would be most comfortable?

  • RM@yeast·Feb 19

    I think there is something interessting to verify I through multiple people. I kind of like how Argent has or had Guardians that needed to "vouch/agree" for a transaction. I feel there is something interessting of having a web-of-trust version of proof of humanity. I know @stani so I could verify this is stani, but if stani is not stani, my reputation would also suffer if I was wrong.

    • ABA@dbank·Feb 19

      @stani, Is there any plane to develop something like Frame in Farcaster?

      • POORWOJAK@poorwojak·Feb 19

        Active days on lens is best option !

        • Ava ◱ ◱@0xusa·Feb 19

          I Think lens profile is enough😀

          • Anything but KYC

            • ・Gitcoin Passport
              ・Continued activity in either ETH L1 or Optimism, Arbitrum ,Polygon PoS, BNB
              ・Continued activity in either Mirror, Lens, Farcaster

              • Arkn@amritde31·Feb 18

                Gitcoin passport or Phaver SBT( best but less than 40k have).

                • Verax, Gitcoin Passport, or @sydney_bro (erm, I mean what they commented on here)

                  • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Feb 17

                    There should be less than 1 way to verify humanity. Personally, I’m comfortable with hoping on a 15 minute call to do it. Others may prefer local ZK KYC. Others, would prefer on chain attestations. And, social consensus may not be bad where other paths can invite via social consensus, but the invitee gets no invites. You could also do a stake - where a party says $ 500 says I’m human. If you prove otherwise you get the $ 500.

                    • Some Computer Vision KYC model but running locally and producing a zk proof.

                      • Personally, I think Lens should adopt some attesting approach for proof of humanity. In Denver, I can likely attest to the humanity of a lot of the profiles. I have actually seen @bradorbradley & I saw @neplusultra a week ago & @lawsn and I went to a basketball game together in December. I’d sign something cryptographically to prove they are each human.

                        • Bamorim@bamorim·Feb 17

                          At this point, Gitcoin Passport

                          • There isn’t a definite answer to define “comfortable” because everyone is so different. Therefore, I’d give poepl “flexibility”. I’d use multiple options for verification such as Gitcoin, Galx passport, or even reputation score.

                            • Organic Lens usage data will be an effective liveliness (but not uniqueness) proof for some time. This will get gamed by AI down the road, but for now will work.

                              • It depends... in fact having to verify my humanity in itself is already uncomfortable :) But a verification process with simple tasks would be pleasant, but I believe that an invisible process would be ideal. Something validated by the community would also be interesting and from my point of view, more interesting in a social network context.

                                • disruptor@disruptor·Feb 17

                                  At the moment Worldcoin

                                  • Hidden@hidden1·Feb 17

                                    @stani I invite you to create an account on phaver

                                    • Hidden@hidden1·Feb 17

                                      Gitcoin passport

                                      • Ali@riddler·Feb 17

                                        Gitcoin Passport is awesome and complete.

                                        • Lens profile😃

                                          • myweb3@myweb3·Feb 17

                                            Everything except KYC please! 😰

                                            • Simon Jaquemet@simonj·Feb 17

                                              Second @sydney_bro . Best way is to have other users confirm humanity.
                                              In detail there could be some staking and challenge system + manual verification. Like if a user gets a certain number of challenges they would have to go through a manual verification and if failed everyone who confirmed the fake user’s humanity would be penalized.

                                              • sexweb.lens@sexweb·Feb 17

                                                The phaver posts or account

                                                • Caner@canercakmak·Feb 17


                                                  • sexweb.lens@sexweb·Feb 17

                                                    His or her posts

                                                    • GotRekt@gotrekt369·Feb 17

                                                      Gitcoin passport probably...

                                                      • MRB@billym2k·Feb 17

                                                        Gitcoin passport 😄

                                                        • worms@worms·Feb 17

                                                          onchain captchas 😅

                                                          onchain captchas 😅
                                                          • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Feb 17

                                                            With lens, it could be a social reputation that the person builds thru interaction on lens platform. It could be mix of likes on posts, social engagement or some form of reputation stake. It needs to be fair so that the smaller accounts have an opportunity too.

                                                            • pman@starterpack·Feb 17

                                                              Verax attestation registry.

                                                              • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Feb 17

                                                                A few recent Airdrops have used TrustaLab MEDIA score as well which puts more emphasis on wallet tx and asset holding + history but not sure if they look at wallet operator at all.

                                                                • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Feb 17

                                                                  Gitcoin passport? Relatively expensive and time/resource incentive to fake

                                                                  • proof of humanity?
                                                                    or signing up to lens
